Chapter 7 - Maeve

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Maeve opened her eyes gradually and heard Ander typing on his laptop. The TV was on, but she couldn't make out what was playing. She rolled back from the pillow that had been placed where Ander used to be. Worry rippled through her, recalling how cold he had been today - or was it yesterday? Her mind was fuzzy. It was hard to know what day it was. She scratched her head. Had she woken up since they returned?

She stretched and yawned. Heavy footsteps came closer to the bed, and Will's stormy, deep-set eyes peered down at her. Even with his face lined with worry, he was devastatingly handsome. She wanted to run her hand across his square jawline and pull his lips to hers.

"You're awake." Will's voice was rough as he spoke.

She nodded and licked her lips, wanting the heat of his skin against hers. He pinched his brows. She raised her arms above her head and arched her back, stretching again. Why didn't he touch her? His smoldering eyes revealed that he wanted to. Behind him, Ander stood. His gorgeous eyes were still lit, although they were dimmer. She was so hungry.

"How do you feel?" Ander spoke in his typical hushed tone.

"Hungry," she breathed.

Ander's eyebrows shot up. Will narrowed his eyes. God, he was sexy with those violent eyes. He crossed his arms across his massive chest and turned his face toward Ander. Ander tilted his head to the right and then shook his head. She was frustrated that she couldn't see Will's expression, so she sat. They always kept her out of the loop, talking silently. A wave of dizziness struck her, and she grabbed the bed to keep from falling over. A second later, warm, rough hands were on her stomach, steadying her.

Her head rolled to the side with a large smile. Will's handsome face was inches away from hers. She leaned over and kissed him. At first, he stiffened, and his hands gripped her more tightly before he relaxed and responded. It was more gentle than in the shed, but the passion remained. She let go of the bed and circled his neck. This was what she needed. His hands moved over her torso to the sides as he laid her back. When her back hit the bed, he tried to break their contact, but she held him and ran her fingers across the back of his collar, where his hairline met his neck. He made hungry sounds in his throat. She was floating. More. She needed more.

Reluctantly, he broke their kiss and removed her hand from him. "You should... you should eat," he told her and stood.

Maeve was about to answer him, but her eyelids slipped closed.

"What the fuck do you want me to say? I have no idea, Ander," Will snapped. He tried to be quiet, but it was hard with his deep voice. "When she wakes up, we'll do it then."

"What are we doing?" Maeve sat up slowly. They both stood on the other side of the room, near the dresser with the TV on it. She was a lot less dizzy.

"We need to re-cast the warding," Ander answered.

Right, or the demons could find her. "Okay, but I have to pee first." She swung her legs over the side of the bed. "What time is it?" She stood and blinked in surprise. How was Ander beside her? She rubbed her eyes. She thought he was on the other side of the room.

"Are you dizzy?" he asked.

"Um, no, just tired. I'm okay." She patted his arm to reassure him before she shuffled toward the bathroom. "Do we have anything to eat?" she asked as she closed the bathroom door. After she used the toilet, she was washing her hands when an image of Ander helping her wash her hands flashed in her mind. Oh god. Her head snapped to the toilet. He had... she put her hands on the counter, breathing heavy. No, no, no. How could she look at him again? Had she done anything else as embarrassing? Subdued, she exited the bathroom and smoothed her hair down on the way back to the bed. She didn't look at either of them. Where was her stuff? She needed to brush her hair. Perched on the edge of the bed- Ander's bed- she peered at the floor. "Is it the same night?" she asked in a small voice.

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