Chapter 10 - Maeve

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Maeve opened her eyes, comforted by the heat against her back. Will was always so warm, and although it was summer, she still liked to wake up cozy. It helped that Will insisted that the air conditioner was kept at freezing at all times. Coffee brewing signaled Ander's subtle hint to get out of bed. Will's arm tightened against her, and his hand moved to cup her breast momentarily before moving back down to her stomach. She felt his erection pressing against her lower back and the top of her ass. After last night, she wasn't sure what to think. Once again, her hormones and emotions wreaked havoc on her.

"Are we leaving Maeve alone, or is one of us staying with her to watch over her?" Ander's soft words reached her ears. Her heart twisted in her chest.

"What do you think we should do?" Will asked behind her. Her nipples tightened against her nightgown at the sound of his deep voice.

"I think, given her injuries and the pace of her recovery," Ander paused. "I do not believe there is a direct threat to her in the area and we recently re-cast the ward." he paused again. "My recommendation is that she should remain here." He took a deep breath. "Alone."

"Yeah, at least for today," Will said in agreement.

Maeve bolted up and Will's arm slipped off of her. Her eyes found Ander standing near the coffee pot. "I don't want to stay here, I want to be with you," she told them, but looked at Ander and inhaled sharply. He hadn't slept, or if he had, it hadn't been well.

"It is better for you. We must be cautious. Soul damage is slow to heal, and often the repercussions are not obvious." His voice was monotone, but something about it was off.

She pinched her eyebrows. Even though he had no emotion in his tone, he seemed too familiar with the subject. She tried to pull her scattered thoughts together to figure out why she felt so certain he was lying, or at least not being totally honest.

"He's right. It's better for you to stay here, for now. I'm not saying you can't help or that we're blocking you from the mission completely," Will said.

"Aren't you, though?" she snapped, recalling yesterday how he didn't want her to know about the creatures.

Will sat up in the bed, his eyes flashed with annoyance. "You really want to start your day out this way?" he challenged.

She glared at him. "What creatures?" she asked him pointedly and waited. He shook his head and got out of the bed. "Exactly," she snipped.

He ignored her and shuffled to the mini fridge and grabbed a beer. She threw her legs over the bed and stalked to the bathroom, slamming the door shut. She took her time feeling petty and made Will wait to use the restroom. Damn it! After everything they had been through in the last few weeks, he wouldn't tell her about the mission. It was like starting over from scratch - again. She aggressively washed her hands and then smoothed her hair down to cool her irritation.

When she exited, she didn't bother to go to her bags to change. She was going to be locked in the damn room all day. She snatched her journal from the table and went to Ander's bed and plopped against the headboard. The bathroom door slammed again. Good, he was mad, too.

"We are only going to study locations and speak with some locals. You have already experienced those things," Ander offered.

She flicked her eyes up at him. He was trying to fix things again. She bit her lip. Even with his contacts in, she recognized the pain in his eyes. It was because of last night, and yet he was trying to repair things between her and Will. She sighed. "I know. I'm not upset about that." He raised an eyebrow. "Okay, I am, but I understand why I shouldn't go," she mumbled at the end.

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