Chapter 5 - Mason

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Mason stared at the perfect, gentle features on Deva's face while she considered her words. She blinked those glowing white eyes and tilted her head to the side before a modest smile crept over her lips. Her multiple ear piercings sparkled in the flickering candlelight. Mason hated meeting with any wingback, including Deva, but to her credit, she was far less annoying than other angels.

"We have an accord," her musical voice told Mason as she gracefully picked up the scroll in her delicate, long fingers and slipped it into her bag. That was the other thing. Deva was the only angel Mason had ever seen carry anything to hold items. Of course, that was because most of the wingbacks considered humans roaches and not worthy of their time, much less a business acquaintance. Angels were basically naked, with so many piercings they blinded you when the light reflected off of them. Maybe that was the point, since light was one of their weapons.

"I do enjoy our visits." Deva moved her ridiculously long, platinum blonde hair behind her shoulder. "They are always of interest to me."

"So glad I entertain you," Mason grumbled.

"You do, but that is not what I meant- only that unlike many of the others I speak to, I never know what our time together will bring. For one such as myself, so many interactions bleed together and are unremarkable." The melody of her voice made Mason feel less threatened. It was a trick all angels could do, a way to set you up before they took you out, but Mason was wise to it and shook off the sensation of comfort. Mason remained silent and waited. "Always business with you, dear Mason. Would it not be pleasant to speak of something that is not so tense?" she purred as she tiptoed closer.

Mason's jaw worked. She didn't like people near her and she sure as shit didn't want an angel within touching distance. She stepped back. "We aren't friends, Deva. Your kind can barely tolerate mine."

"I am not simply angelic, Mason. You know that. I am more. Do not insult me," Her tone took a hard edge to it and the feeling of peace and safety vanished. Right. Deva prided herself on her job. She wasn't just an angel- she was the keeper of all knowledge for God, a librarian of sorts.

"I know that. Didn't mean you weren't a keeper of knowledge. I just meant on a base level, you don't like humans."

"Well... I suppose that is true. I do not care for most humans. They are interesting to observe, but very primitive. They do not inspire and certainly do not live up to the intent of my father," she mused, as her eyes flashed. Mason stood unmoving and once again waited.

"I have a proposition for you," she began. "As we have an excellent working relationship, as you humans call it, from this point on you agree to exchange pleasantries with me during our interactions."

Mason quirked an eyebrow. Deva wanted to have small talk when she showed up? What the fuck was that about? Perhaps she was experimenting with how to talk to humans more like a... human. "Is this important to you?"

"Yes, and in return I will be... more forthcoming with answers to your basic questions." Deva smiled.

Mason was filled with radiance and peace. It warmed her entire body, made her feel loved. God damn angels. She pushed the emotion away. "Okay," Mason began, unsure of her choice.

Deva clapped her hands and her smile broadened. Mason thought that Deva's childlike behavior was endearing and found that she wanted to hug her. She grit her teeth and pushed the idea away. "How's the weather in heaven?" Mason asked awkwardly.

"The weather?" Deva's face twisted with confusion. It was such an honest response Mason couldn't help but think it was cute and grinned. "There is no weather in heaven; it is always the same. Weather only happens on this plane," Deva finished.

"The weather is one of those pleasantries you mentioned. People always talk about the weather," Mason replied, her tone laden with mirth. For a moment, she thought she may have offended Deva, but then her eyes brightened and caused Mason to squint from the brightness.

"Of course! Yes, well, the weather," the word sounded foreign on her tongue, "is perfect because it is Heaven. It is never too warm nor too cool. The sun always shines, but not too brightly. The evenings are always crisp and the moon is breathtaking," she finished, overly pleased with her own answer.

Mason meant to be annoyed with her ridiculous answer, but found her grin changed to a smile. "Here it's been miserably humid, which makes it seem hotter than it is, but that's how it is every summer."

"Yes, the seasons here are a marvel, a testament to His greatness," Deva answered. It wasn't how small talk was supposed to go, but at least she was making an effort, and maybe it would be easier for her to get information in the future. Mason shuffled to her desk and moved files around. She needed to clean up, but she had been preoccupied for weeks.

"I prefer the fall or spring," Mason commented.

"Yes, the seasons of visual transformation. That makes sense for you, dear Mason."

Mason hated when she called her that. "How's that?"

"Those seasons remind me of you- forever in growth and change, both beautiful, filled with loss and renewal, and quite captivating," Deva responded behind her.

Mason stopped moving. What in the hell was that supposed to mean? Time to stop small talk. "You don't happen to know if Greystone Industries are in town? I need to set up a meet with them," she asked tentatively.

"Ah yes, Greystone Industries. A separate organization similar to yours but older." She paused. "They tolerate your Soldiers of Night but do not support them. They are, however, willing to speak with you, only you." Deva replied now behind her. Fucking angels moved too fast. Mason stood up straight and took a breath before she faced her. As she expected, Deva was so close she could feel her power licking against her own skin.

"Yeah, we have a working relationship," she mumbled.

"Of course, because of your father. They tried to recruit him, did they not?" Deva blinked those LED eyes at her. Mason couldn't be sure, but with her so close, she swore she saw curiosity in them. How was it possible to see anything in eyes that looked like a flashlight pointed at you?

"Yeah, they did, but he stayed with the Soldiers of Night."

"Did they ask you to join their cause?"

"That's none of your business, but yeah, they did. I turned them down." Mason wanted to back away but was pressed against her desk.

"Do they not have superior facilities, equipment, and resources?"

"Yeah, they do, but that ain't everything," Mason grimaced. They had benefactors with a lot of money. Old money. They covered the entire globe and were involved with many factions or leaders in power, but their views weren't really aligned with what she needed to do. They were more about controlling the threat, and she was more about destroying the threat. Deva nodded and leaned even closer to Mason.

"Yes, they are present, and your boys have caught their attention. I am uncertain why, but they are observing them," Deva breathed. Well fuck, that wasn't great news. Not the worst, but in general, it wasn't a good thing to catch the attention of Greystone Industries. It brought too many unknowns. "Will you meet with them?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'll set something up," Mason told her.

Deva stared at her for what felt like an eternity and then stepped back. Finally, Mason felt like she could breathe. "I have enjoyed our pleasantries. I will return with the information you seek in exchange for the scroll," Deva told her and touched her bag. "Until our next meeting." With a bright flash, Deva was gone. Mason went to her bottle of whiskey and opened it. She needed a drink after that.

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