Chapter 3 - Ander

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Ander continued to read and listened to Maeve's breathing patterns for any differences. He was concerned she had not woken, even to use the bathroom, and though he did not want to alert Will, if she did not wake soon, they may have to change their plan of care.

Her breath hitched. Ander put his book down and was at her side within seconds. She coughed and sat up, her eyes wide. As soon as she saw him, she reached for him. He sat on the bed and held her, counting her respirations, and placed his fingers on her wrist to measure her pulse.

"Why are you wearing a shirt?" she asked in a sleepy voice.

Taken aback by her question, he stopped monitoring her breathing. "It is the next day."

"Oh," she yawned. "I liked it better before." She slurred her last word.

Ander remained silent. She was still delusional.

"Where's Will?" She pulled her head from his shoulder and scanned the room.

"He went to retrieve lunch."

"Okay, I need to pee," she told him with another yawn and swayed.

"Do you feel steady enough to manage on your own?" he asked, unsure she could accomplish the task alone.

"Yeah, I'm good." She swung her legs off the bed and stood. As soon as her feet touched the floor, she wobbled and fell into his arms. "Maybe not," she giggled.

He walked her to the bathroom and entered with her. She leaned against the wall and motioned him with one hand to leave, but he refused. Maeve scrunched up her face with displeasure and stepped forward, her hands up to push him out, but fell into his arms again and brought her teary eyes up to his.

"This will only take a moment," he told her in a calm voice, and led her to the toilet. "I will hold you up so that you can-" he began.

She grumbled and pulled her pants down before he eased her onto the toilet. He moved a few steps away and waited for her to be finished. She tried to get up on her own and almost fell against the wall, but he caught her just in time. Ander thought she would be angry, but instead, she laughed and placed her arms around him. After they washed her hands, he helped her back to the bed. Maeve sat, but kept her arms on his neck, laughing again as she pulled him on top of her.

"Maeve," he began, unsure of her intent.

"Just hold me for a minute," she said with a small voice, and released him.

He slid into bed with her and she cuddled next to him, burying her face near his shoulder, and sighed. Her body relaxed and soon she fell asleep. A few minutes later, she startled and grabbed his shirt, yanking it toward her roughly.

"The sorcerer!" she exclaimed.

Ander's body became rigid with her words. He forced himself to keep his breathing even. "What?" he asked, monotone.

"I saw him! He was staring at you-" she blurted out.

His muscles ached with the coiled tension. She must be confused. "That is impossible."

Will and Mason had destroyed the sorcerer.

"No, when we were at the house, after you wiped out the other shades."

He pushed her back from him to stare at her face. She was frightened. "I do not understand," he said, his voice was tight.

She clutched his shirt in her fists. "He was there staring at us when we left. I mean, at first he was watching at you but then he noticed me,"

Ander's heart raced in his rib cage. She had to be mistaken. Perhaps it was just a response to her injuries, subjects were overlapping in her mind.

"He was tall and thin, thinner than you and he didn't have a shirt on," she said as her expression changed to thoughtful. "He was tan... I think he had a skirt on - that can't be right... he was bald with a really long beard and he had the same tattoos as yours, well, not identical, almost. Some were on his neck too..." she finished with unfocused eyes.

Ander stopped breathing, his entire body locked in fear. Maeve had described the sorcerer exactly as he had appeared to him. He had never revealed to her what he looked like. Perhaps she had never mentioned him being a part of when they had shared souls? He shifted his mind to the circulatory system while he smoothed her hair back.

"You are confused because of the events. All is well. I would know if it was not," he told her in a soothing tone. Every heartbeat thundered in his head, but he kept his breathing pattern relaxed.

"But... he looked at me when he noticed I was staring at him," she insisted with slow words.

"You need not worry, he is gone."

She brought her brown eyes to his and a flash of doubt before they morphed and reminded him of last night. She let go of the fabric, slid her palms down his torso before sliding them under his shirt.

"Okay..." She grinned and moved her hands up past his stomach to his chest.

Ander's panic about the sorcerer disappeared, along with his thoughts about the circulatory system.

"You're still cold," she murmured.

"Yes, it has only been a day. It will take a bit longer," he answered.

She did not answer but moved so that their bodies touched everywhere possible. He relaxed into her. He would talk to Will about what she revealed when he returned, for the moment he would enjoy her touch.

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