Chapter 24 - Ander

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Ander waited with trepidation for Maeve to exit the bathroom. Dinner had been as expected and Will insisted on watching some movie that was on the television with Maeve when they returned, so Ander spent the time working on the Greek translation. He was close to deciphering the message. He did not want Maeve to lie cuddled in Will's arms in his bed, but he also did not want to discuss Maeve's email. Regardless of how he answered her questions, she would be angry with him. He recalled how offended she had been previously when she realized he read her email during the werewolf mission.

Tonight she was to sleep with Will. Ander debated in his mind if he should just leave the room to allow them the privacy to copulate and then return close to dawn to nap. He was positive he did not wish to be in the room when they were having sex. He balled his hands into fists.

Perhaps Maeve was correct and he could not accept their relationship. What choice did he have? He could not leave Will and he would not leave her. That only left him with acceptance, and yet every time he pondered their relationship, his ire flared up and threatened to lash out.

It was yet another circumstance he would need to tolerate. His entire existence was just a series of events that he was forced to accept. Adapt or die. Will's words from his childhood echoed in his mind. Will had said that to him when they first became Soldiers of Night. His words were correct then, and were still relevant to this day.

"You ready to look at stuff? And talk about the spreadsheet?"

Maeve's intoxicating scent of rosemary and mint surrounded him. He pulled his eyes from his laptop screen and sucked in air. She had changed into her pink nightgown. He adored the way it accentuated her curves. He nodded. She sat beside him and moved until her arm and leg touched him.

"What is the spreadsheet you want to make?" He was curious and attempted to ignore the excitement of her limbs touching him.

"I know you have your Soldiers of Night database thing, but I can't see it and you can't get to it unless you log into the dark net - right?"

Ander tried not to grin at her words, but felt the corners of his mouth tilt up. "Yes, that is fairly accurate," he replied.

"I'm trying to be more helpful and learn about the different monsters," she continued.

Will adjusted in the bed. He would not like her idea at all.

"Can we make a spreadsheet to log things on while I'm learning about the different types of monsters? Like a mini database, but not as fancy or complicated."

"Of course," Ander replied with a smile, understanding it would irritate Will. He still did not want Maeve to have knowledge about what they did, which made no sense to Ander. If Will was going to be with Maeve, she was going to travel with them and they were going to train her to defend herself. Why would he object to her learning about what they hunted?

"When can we start?" Her face flushed with excitement.

Ander had to force himself not to touch her. "Tomorrow," he replied, his voice rough.

"Okay, I'm holding you to that, especially after running," she replied.

She seemed very resistant to running with him. He was unable to decide if it was the exercise or his company while exercising that was the issue.

"Now, my email." She moved her dark eyes to his face. 

He turned back to his laptop and began opening the needed windows to show her what she inquired about. He braced himself for her impending anger. Ander slid his laptop so she could view the screen with her email loaded. Her eyes still on him, she reached and tugged it towards her until it was in front of her before looking at the screen.

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