Chapter 19 - Ander

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Ander sat at the dining table and kept turned away from Maeve and Will.

Mason poured a drink for herself before she faced him. "Will and I are going to grab food since you boys will be here, at least until tomorrow. Need you to watch over her." Mason tilted her head toward Maeve.

Ander's stomach clenched. He had no desire to be alone with Maeve. He studied Mason's face as she lifted the glass of whiskey to her lips and realized she wanted to speak with Will alone, so he nodded. As a Soldier of Night, he could watch over her. It was unnecessary to interact with her to maintain protection.

"Let's head out. You're helping with the chili," Mason told Will as she motioned towards the door.

Ander's jaw ticked when he heard Will kiss Maeve. He tried to ignore the bounce in Will's step as he passed, but it was undeniable. After they walked through the threshold, he stood and closed the door and returned to the dining table. For a few peaceful moments, silence filled the air, and Ander believed he could manage the interaction with Maeve.

Once he heard the creak of the couch as she stood, and picked up her intoxicating scent of mint and rosemary, felt the warmth of her drawing closer,he understood he was doomed. He pulled out the blade Will had forged for him and practiced different holds as he twirled it around from hand to hand. Maeve sat across from him, her expression laden with regret. Regret? Ander's eyebrow shot up. It confused him. She should appear "glowing" and feel some mysterious happiness. From his observations, that is what individuals did in the aftermath of meaningful sex.

"Ander-" she began.

"Please, do not." He stopped her. He was uncertain what she would say, but he was positive it would only pain him.

"I'm sorry. I have to," Maeve said in a firmer tone.

His hands stopped moving, and he placed the blade on the table. She moved from her chair and sat in the one closest to him. He leaned back against his chair, unsure of her motivations.

"I need to tell you," she started, and then swallowed. Her hand slid across the table, but her eyes remained trained on him until her fingers reached his hand.

As soon as they made contact, he was flooded with heat and her sunlight. His eyes widened, and he wondered if she was aware of her effect on him. Paralyzed, he meant to pull away, but his mind pondered if the moment was real or another disconnect with reality.

"I'm sorry," she managed.

"What are you sorry for?" he asked with a furrowed brow.

"For hurting you. Please don't lie and tell me my actions didn't hurt you." Her eyes were watery.

"I was not going to, but why are you apologizing to me? It is unnecessary, we have discussed this previously." He thought back to the night she willingly slept with Will. It was clear that night she preferred Will's company.

"I do need to apologize," she insisted. "I don't have to explain my actions to you. I know that. You told me, but..." Her eyes flicked to the surface of the table. "I have to, because..." She stopped and her shoulders slumped over.

"You believe I will be angry if you do not?" Most humans innately needed to apologize to pacify others' anger.

"No, I can't change if you're angry with me. I guess I can't if you're disappointed or upset, either. I'm not trying to change how you feel, at least I don't think I am." She pushed her hair back and then reached for her necklace. "I can't lose you and I'm afraid if I'm with Will then-"

"You need not worry about that." He cut her off and averted his eyes, unable to maintain eye contact.

"Don't I? You didn't even look at me. If I hadn't come over here, you would've just sat there in silence until they came back."

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