Chapter 76 - Angels

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The bearer bowed deep to the envoy who radiated in the sunlight.

"Rise and tell me what you discovered about our lost brother," the envoy said in the harmonic, crystal voice.

The bearer stood and fluffed its two sets of white wings. "I have not found our brother." It dipped its head low to its glittering chest.

"Then why have you come?" the melodic voice asked.

"I discovered a creature that does not belong on this plane," the bearer said, and raised its white LED eyes to the envoy.

"Why is this heaven's concern?"

"There were whispers he seeks a creature, a female," it replied in a gentle, peaceful tone.

"What creature is this?" The envoy narrowed its bright glowing eyes.

"I do not know. I only glimpsed her before she disappeared. She travels with the Soldiers of Night."

"You are certain he wants this creature?"

"Yes, envoy," it replied with a bowed head.

The envoy extended its four sets of pearl white feathered wings, the only sign of irritation. Its perfect face still rested in the same expression.

"I tire of Lucifer's games." Its tone remained soothing, but the subtle shift in the cadence showed it was bothered by the news. "I suppose we must locate the creature before he does and return it to its proper plane. Bearer, find the creature."

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