Chapter 47 - Maeve

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Maeve sat in the backseat of the SUV quietly. They had all eaten in silence and then packed up to search for the werewolf. She wasn't sure how much Will had drunk while they were outside, but there was at least one bottle of something in the trashcan when they'd come back in. He was quiet, but she sensed the rage still rolling off of him, so she'd made a point of not talking to him unless he spoke first. When he'd told her she was going with them, she didn't question him or ask for any details, knowing it would irritate him more.

She'd promised Ander she wouldn't pick a fight with him, so she didn't. However, even with changing locations every hour, she did nothing but sit in the SUV. Not only was it boring, but it gave her nothing but time to think and reflect on the last month of her life. Today it had been thirty days since she'd been with them. Her head hurt when she reflected on everything that had happened since she met them. No wonder she was tired.

People weren't made to live like that. Her eyes flicked to Will and Ander in the front seat. They were talking again, if it could be called that. Mostly slight gestures and occasional words. She peered out the window. It was probably so she wouldn't know what they were talking about again. Would there ever be a point where they'd openly discuss missions in front of her? She changed her position in the seat. Damn body armor. They were about to get out of the SUV. She knew because they checked their weapons every time they exited the vehicle.

"Don't leave the SUV," Will said with steel in his voice.

She nodded and wondered how long they'd be gone. Why had Will insisted she come, anyway? I always want you with me. It just isn't safe for you always to be there. His words echoed in her mind. Did he want her here, even after their argument? Her face pinched when she thought about what Ander had told her. It in no way excused his actions, but maybe he hadn't meant to be so aggressive. How could someone be so gentle and violent at the same time?

Lost in her thoughts, Maeve didn't notice them approaching. Both doors opened, and they hopped in and started the SUV. Will floored it and before she buckled, and then they were on the highway.

"Please, calm down. There was no way we could have known the werewolf would kill before the full moon," Ander said in a soothing tone.

"Fuck!" Will exclaimed.

"It appeared the death was done by its teeth and claws, which means the werewolf has more precise control of its form," Ander stated.

The werewolf had already killed someone?

"I know what the fuck it means," Will snapped at Ander.

"It means when it shifts in two nights, we need to be more cautious. It may have more control over its beast. If it can think, then it can plan. There will be additional risk involved. We must take precautions."

Something in Ander's tone didn't sit well with Maeve. Why did she feel like they were discussing her? Will gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles went white.

"Right, okay. We'll figure it out tonight. I don't want... anyone to get hurt, or worse." Will's voice sounded strained at the end.

Maeve bit her lip. Will was more stressed now than before they had left. She frowned. He wasn't angry, he'd been worried, and now he was more frantic. Damn it. Why hadn't she seen that before? She'd been too furious to recognize anything. They returned to the motel and filed in. Will picked up a bottle of something and downed half of it.

Maeve used the bathroom, choosing not to pry information from either of them. She ignored them while they sifted through the mission file and pulled out her phone to read. A million questions populated her mind about the werewolf, but she refused to allow her curiosity to cause another argument. Ander brought her a bottle of water. His fingers glided over hers as he handed it to her.

Later, she took out her journal and tried to add more, but couldn't focus. She yawned. They still talked and planned. Maeve perched against the headboard in Ander's bed and tried to stay awake, but fatigue made her eyes close. Some time later, she felt hands lift her before placing her back on the bed. The hands were so gentle and cautious. Her fingers reached up to Ander to embrace him, but her eyes popped open when they met Will's muscled chest.

"Sssh, get some rest. Everything's fine. Everything's gonna be fine." His deep voice made her limbs loose in his arms. His gaze swept over her, caressed her with something that wasn't lust. It was much more tender. Will's hand smoothed her hair back. Everything wasn't fine. Will looked at her with a tenderness she'd never experienced. But under that was... fear. The flicker of fear reminded her of the day they'd been outside and the day after. Something had him rattled, but she still didn't perceive what it was.

Her fingers climbed his chest. She was still upset with him, but it was hard to stay furious when he gazed at her like she was precious to him, like she mattered. His lips parted. Maeve could almost taste his sentiment. He didn't just want to be with her, he wanted to carve himself inside her.

Will leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Sleep."

Maeve didn't want to sleep. She wanted to find out what had him scared, wanted to understand what their plan was, but her eyes fell shut.

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