Chapter 64 - Maeve

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Maeve smiled at Ander, who sat in the chair while Will carried in the bags. He was grumpy again because Will wouldn't let him help. She couldn't put into words how happy she was that he was with them and recovering. It didn't really sink in how upset she'd been until he appeared at their door. When he caught her staring at him, his lips shifted from a frown to a slight smile.

She craved for him to take out his brown contacts so she could see his eyes. Her heart picked up pace as she recalled his lips on her neck. Her hand reached up and touched where his lips had pressed. Ander's eyes filled with desire. There it was again, the hungry look she remembered, but she thought she'd been wrong. Her chest tightened under his penetrating gaze. The door closed and she cast her eyes to the floor and took several deep breaths.

"I guess we should re-cast the ward first and then we can start on the rest." Will loaded alcohol in the mini fridge.

"I was thinking about that," Maeve started. "Is it possible to get a tattoo of the warding? Or a symbol that does the same thing, so we don't have to keep doing it every couple of weeks?"

Ander's eyebrows shot up in surprise.

Will paused and turned to peek at her. "You want to get a tattoo?"

"Well, I don't want to, but it makes the most sense, right?"

"A tattoo is permanent. It, as well as the enchantment. It will remain on you permanently," Ander spoke in a quiet voice.

She smiled at him. He was part of the reason she chose to do it. Casting the ward was a constant source of tension between him and Will. She'd also formed a new appreciation for tattoos because of both of them. "I understand. I don't think it's likely I'll ever want demons to find me."

Will nodded and turned back to the fridge. Ander narrowed his eyes. He didn't like her answer. Maybe because she'd made light of it.

"I will sketch out the symbol you need. Will can find a tattoo artist." Ander kept his view locked on her.

"I wonder if we should get more ink since we're going," Will said, more to himself than anyone else, and peered down at his torso.

"I have no desire for any additional markings at the moment," Ander replied, and frowned.

"You could get something put on your arms or legs. Something to help defend against fleabags." Will opened a beer.

Maeve's eyes moved to Ander's injuries. "Yeah, maybe we all should."

Ander's eyes darted back to her. He pinched his brow and turned his head away.

"Well, you get the symbol drawn up for Maeve, and I'll find a place. Need to get it done in the next couple of days, though," Will said before he titled the beer to his lips. "We should train for a couple of hours. The other stuff can wait until after." He winked at her.

She shuffled to her bag and took out her training clothes. "When are we going to the laundromat?"

"Next couple of days," Will answered. 

As Maeve changed her clothes, she thought about where she'd get the tattoo. How big would it be? Would it be like Will's compass? Or more like Ander's cuneiform? When she exited the bathroom, Will had already moved the beds and Ander's laptop was open. She glanced at his screen as she passed. He was switching back and forth between his email and the Soldiers of Night portal.

Will grinned. "You ready?"

"No, but let's do this."

For the next few hours, she focused and tried to remember everything Will had shown her. When she hit the floor for the third time, she wondered if she'd ever improve. Why was it so hard to learn? He had to be bored doing the same thing repeatedly. Sometimes he encouraged her, other times he told her she was going to die, and occasionally, he remained quiet but stared at her in a foreboding way. As always, she was thrilled and achy when it was over. She didn't even bother to announce her shower.

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