Chapter 75 - Will

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Note: This is steamy so if you're not a fan skip this chapter until next week! Also don't forget the content warnings from before!

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Will carried the sack of food in and put it on the table, noting how funky it felt in the room. He glanced at Ander and Maeve sitting on Ander's bed. He was droning on about the undead, but something was off. Will moved towards them and sniffed the air. Ander smelled like Ander and Maeve... fuck, she smelled amazing, as always. Her scent was mixed with Ander's, which made sense, since they sat together and held hands. Again? Will quirked an eyebrow and then shook his head, walking out to get the box of alcohol he picked up.

The voice growled with irritation in his skull from their clasped hands, but he ignored it. He wasn't good about that stuff and, as it turned out, Ander was. Made sense. He'd always been more sensitive than Will. It was probably was a good thing Ander could handle all that soft touch stuff. Will paused as he put the box on the dresser near the mini fridge. Andy had always hated anyone touching him, but they touched each other all the time. It made him calmer.

Do not be a fool, he should not be touching what is yours, the voice barked at him.

Calm the fuck down. It helps him not space out and be okay, and it means I don't have to do all that nonsense.

You are an idiot, it grumbled at him.

And you're a prick that soon I won't have to listen to anymore, Will snapped.

For now, only for now. You can not force me back forever, it told him in a threatening tone.

Will's hand shook as he balled it into a fist. He wouldn't give in to that fucker's taunting. He grabbed several bottles and jammed them into the small fridge.

Ander still talked about the undead. He caught Maeve's scent again, his own still mixed with hers from sleeping together. Will turned away and went into the bathroom when his dick involuntarily hardened. He washed his hands and tried to force away his memories of her naked body straddled on top of his. Her long hair cascaded around her as she moved her hips.

Fuck, it didn't matter how many times he was inside of her, he always needed more. His wet hands gripped the counter. Maybe he could convince her to come in there with him for a few minutes. No, he wanted more than that. Damn it, why'd she have to be so shy? Ander didn't like it when Will had sex with someone when he was in the room, but he'd understand, wouldn't he?

Will rubbed his wet hand on his face. What was wrong with him? He'd never wanted a female like this, even when sex was new to him and encapsulated most of his thoughts and motives. He loved the chase as much as anyone else, but once he had the prize, he quickly lost interest. With her, it was the opposite. The more he fucked her, the more it took over all of his thoughts and motives.

Fuck! His fist hit the counter. It was why he didn't want her to stay. He reminded himself of what happened when he let his crazy get out of control. When he'd wanted her so badly he'd literally tried to take a piece of her flesh so she'd be part of him forever. The bite marks were still there.

Maybe Mason was right. Maybe he was compromised. He rubbed the back of his head vigorously. Part of him didn't give a shit. It didn't matter as long as she was his, as long as she was there. Nothing else mattered. No. He was crazy, and she made him more insane. Will's head snapped up. He started at his own reflection, so familiar and foreign at the same time.

His golden eyes stared back at him, taunting him. Seconds later, his fist hit the mirror before the other one joined it, and it shattered. Fuck. He was a soldier in the middle of a war that was never going to end, at least in his lifetime. There wasn't room or time for this bullshit.

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