Chapter 38 - Mason

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"Listen, shitbag, this is a one time offer. Take it or leave it," Mason said sternly, her eyes boring into the demon's bright ones.

"To be clear, human, the terms of our deal are that I get the angel head and it remains in our possession to do with whatever we see fit for eternity." Its clawed fingers hovered over the bag that held the decapitated angel. "And you receive a boon from House Merciless, to call upon when you see fit. It can be used for yourself or others you deem worthy for the duration of your life on this earth. Your previous pact with House Merciless remains in full effect and none from our house will move against you or your chosen minions."

"That's it - do we have a deal or not?" Mason leaned forward, allowing a small portion of her power to radiate from her. Couldn't show fear with their kind, but you also could never let them know how powerful you truly were, either. It was a game Mason had learned over the years. She was good at it now.

"The rules have changed over time, sadly," it lamented to no one that cared. "We used to come here whenever we wanted, take what we wanted." Its eyes flashed brighter with irritation. "Now... we need an invitation." The demon gestured to the summoning circle that also trapped it at its feet.

"I'm done with you." Mason stepped back. She knew better than to allow a demon around her for any longer than needed. They were unpredictable and prone to violence, even the houses that were less about deaths and gore.

"We have a deal," It told her. "I, Zagan of House Merciless, enter a pact with you, human Mason Wynter of the Soldiers of Night, on June 26th of 2012."

"Good, take it," Mason told the demon with a dismissive wave of her hand. The spell she had placed over the head and bag evaporated, and the demon snatched it up in its claws. "Get the fuck out." She cut the connection, forcing the shoulder monkey back to Hell in a hurry. She took a few deep breaths to calm her nerves and recoup. It had taken a bit more out of her than she thought it would.

Mason grumbled as she gathered her ritual materials. Getting old sucked. Her back, shoulder, neck, and legs were killing her. After a brief coughing fit, she wiped the blood from her mouth and got back on the road. The shit she had to do to protect her loved ones weighed on her. For a brief second, brilliant turquoise eyes, thick black hair, and the most beautiful face she'd ever gazed at flashed in her mind. For you, Dierdre, always for you, she thought.

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