Chapter 34 - Will

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Will opened his eyes, his mind groggy, but he still recognized Maeve's laughter. He reached for the bottle of water and pills he knew were on the nightstand. He popped the pills in his mouth and drank the bottle. Had to piss, but didn't want to move. Fuck, his neck and shoulders were killing him; he must've slept wrong again. He cracked as he stood and entered the bathroom. When he brushed his teeth, he peered at the mess he made of the counter the night before. Shit. He would have to clean that up.

He stretched out his arms and shoulders and tried to recall last night. He remembered leaving the room and wanting to get away from Maeve. Strange because he hadn't felt like that in weeks. It really screwed with him when it hit him. He'd gone to some bar... which one, he couldn't remember. He still wasn't ready to see her. There was too much shit going on in his brain, but couldn't hide in the bathroom.

She is your mate. Stop pushing her away. Claim her. Then things will be clear, the guttural voice said.

He stared in the mirror and glared at the golden eyes that peered at him. What the fuck do you know, asshole?

I know more than you think I do, it replied.

Will rocked his skull. He didn't need this shit right now. He never needed this shit. Just go the fuck away already, he told it.

I would if I had a choice, it answered.

Will put his hands on the broken counter. Right, no separation. You really think if I fuck her this'll get better?

I did not say that. I told you to mate with her.

Same difference.

No, it is not the same, you base creature. 

Base creature? Fuck off! Will turned from his own reflection and stomped out of the bathroom, not looking at Ander or Maeve. He pulled some fresh clothes out of his bag and stomped back to the shower and took care not to view his reflection.

After, he grabbed his half-drunk bottle of vodka and slammed the rest of it. That should shut that prick up for a while. He sat on his bed and considered his options. Needed to get the fuck out of this room. He hated this part of the mission, where they had to wait for the order to engage. He preferred to show up when things were a fucking mess so he could jump right in. Sitting and waiting were horrible.

Will glanced at Ander, who was talking about the Gorgon, and he stopped breathing, a cold sweat breaking out over his body. Ander didn't have his contacts in, and his eyes were dimly lit. He'd casted? When? Will felt like someone punched him in the gut. It had to have been last night when he was gone. Will's eyes shifted back and forth between them both. They seemed okay. It didn't look like they'd been in any kind of fight. Why'd he used magic? Ander stopped talking and turned to him. Will gnashed his teeth and struggled with how to ask what the fuck had happened.

"Do you need more water?" Ander asked him in a casual tone.

Will wanted to fucking strangle him, but shook his head. What he needed was to figure out why his cousin had been so stupid. Ander continued to gaze at him. Was is it a dare to ask?

"Why are your eyes glowing?" Will blurted out. Fuck, he hadn't meant to ask like that. 

Ander sat back in his seat and wiped any expression from his face. Will's muscles tensed as irritation flooded through him. It was like that, was it?

"Because of your late night outing, I had to perform the warding since it was past midnight."

Did he just get a fucking tone? Will stood. "What?"

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