Chapter 26 - Maeve

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Note: This is a tiny bit steamy so if you're not a fan skip this chapter until next week! Also don't forget the content warnings from before!

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Maeve stretched against Ander, without thinking about it until he sucked in his breath. Her eyes popped open as her cheeks flushed. She wanted to apologize, but found she couldn't speak, and wondered if Will was awake. She'd been wiped mentally and physically when they fell into bed last night after the run and setting up the spreadsheet. Her legs hurt, but she didn't want Ander to notice, since she'd cut their run short as it was. While they were gone, Will had planned some kind of workout from what he'd said, but when she asked about it, he didn't answer her and she was too tired to push it.

"Rise and shine, it's training time!" Will called out from behind Ander.

Training with Will. What did it mean? She untangled herself from Ander and sat up with tousled hair. Will's grin broke into a smile.

"Or... we could spend our time in bed," he suggested with a wink.

She ran her fingers through her hair. When she'd gone to bed with Will the other night, he understood she was upset, and he hadn't tried anything with her, but from his hungry expression, his appetite for her remained. Ander got up and padded into the bathroom.

"Maybe later, after you show me whatever you need to."

"Oh, I have plenty I can show you in and out of bed," he chuckled. "But I don't know if you are gonna like me very much after training. Maybe we should send Ander out for breakfast." Will flashed her his charming smile.

That made her pause. Not because he suggested sending Ander out, but the fact he seemed to believe she was going to be upset with him after training. She knew he wouldn't subject her to the drills, so why would she be upset? Ander exited the bathroom. She entered and pondered what the day would be like and when they'd start the next mission.

It had only been a few days, but she still struggled with doing normal things and not feel like a creature would attack them at any moment. As she dried her face on the towel, she realized that hadn't really changed. At any moment, they could be attacked. Either from the demons that hunted her or the various creatures that wanted them both dead. She paused in the doorway when she heard Ander speak.

"I will return shortly." Ander picked up the keys and made his way to the room door.

"Don't rush back," Will chuckled.

Ander stopped and faced Will, his face tight. "I should not be longer than thirty minutes, Will."

"I got it. Go, and don't forget donuts!" Will said with a cheery tone and pushed Ander out of the door.

As soon as the door clicked closed, Will spun to face her. Desire burned in his eyes. He stalked over to her and slammed his mouth onto hers. He gripped her ass, squeezing and caressing as he pulled her to his bed. His mouth devoured hers. It'd only been two days since he had her naked on his bed, yet his actions felt desperate, like it had been months. He nuzzled her neck as he peeled her pants and underwear off.

"Will shouldn't we-" she tried to say, but he moved his lips back over hers and silenced her. His hand pushed her shirt up to her neck. He pulled his mouth from her and lifted her shirt off.

"Remember what Andy said? Not much time. I need to hear you panting my name, need to taste you," he told her and trailed kisses down her neck to her breasts.

He nuzzled her breasts, savagely licking and sucking at the tips before he lowered his efforts. Her breath came in soft pants. He kissed and licked the inside of her thighs and spread her legs wider to give him access to her core.

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