Chapter 45 - Maeve

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Maeve bolted up. Ander sat up beside her and put his hands on her arms. His eyes were still bloodshot and dimly lit. Immediately, she wrapped her arms around him. He hugged her back.

"How do you feel?" he asked.

She was glad he was so close to her, otherwise she might not have heard him. Her eyes scanned the room. Everything was still strewn all over, but she didn't see Will. The bathroom door was open.

She sat back and rested her fingers against his neck. "Are you okay?"

"Of course. I am fine."

"What? You're not fine. Where's Will?" Her eyes darted around the room again.

"You have not answered my question."

She moved her gaze back to him. "I'm fine. I wasn't the one who got hit." She tugged him against her again. Will knew better. How could he act like that toward Ander?

Ander pulled back enough to look at her. "Truly, I am fine. I am not hurt. That was just one of Will's tantrums. You need not-"

"Don't you dare tell me not to worry about it." She tried to keep the venom out of her tone, but failed.

He closed his mouth.

"How do you put up with that? He should've never touched you. He knows what Wyatt did to you... both."

"I should not have casted, especially inebriated and in full view of other humans," Ander replied.

Maeve shook her head. It was no excuse for Will acting that way. "That doesn't make what he did okay. If you hadn't stopped him, he would've hit me, too." She stared at the wall Will had thrown the chair against. The realization sat like a stone in her stomach.

Ander rubbed her back. "I have known Will my entire life. His rage can be dangerous, but only at certain times. Today, he was not angry with you. I do not believe he would have struck you, even if it appeared that way." He smoothed her hair back. "I grabbed his arm to keep his focus on me. He needed to express his disappointment so we could move past it and focus on the mission. It is close to the full moon. We can not be vulnerable because of inner party bickering."

Maeve was speechless. Ander really believed that. His gorgeous heterochromatic eyes gazed at her, even more beautiful because of the glow. There was no lie in them. Maeve only felt more animosity towards Will.

"Are you aware you used your power on him?" he asked carefully.

"I did?"

"Yes, to protect me." He gazed at her with reverence.

She raised her hand to the side of his face. Maeve didn't remember doing it, but she would to protect him. Coolness wrapped around her and her limbs relaxed. His hand drifted from her hair to her neck. It slid up to cup the side of her face, her lips parted in response.

"That is the second time you have protected me. Why?"

"Because I don't want anyone to hurt you," she breathed. His scent of eucalyptus, lime and clover leaf enveloped her and made her dizzy. She couldn't focus. It was hard to remain coherent.

"I want..." he whispered.

Her eyes dropped closed. She didn't resist when he drew her forward, expecting his lips against hers. Instead, he put his arms around her and hugged her. Still lightheaded, she clasped him. His lips lightly brushed her neck in a soft kiss that shot a shiver of arousal down her spine, only so much stronger than before. A burst of a blue color, almost teal or turquoise, flashed behind her eyelids.

"Thank you." Ander's voice was raw when he released her.

She didn't want him to let her go, and watched him amble to his bag with his back to her. Her hand reached up and touched the spot where he'd kissed her. It wasn't warm like it always was when Will kissed her neck. It was a tad cooler, but it sent tiny sparks along her skin when her fingers made contact with the spot. "Where's Will?"

"He left for more alcohol, no doubt experiencing regret for his actions," Ander told her and pulled out a pill bottle.

Maeve looked at the clock. It was five. All that had happened almost eight hours ago. She'd been asleep for eight hours? "Are you feeling okay now?" She still felt the press of his lips against her skin.

"Yes. After Will left, I took a shower and decided I could use a nap." He turned back with a grin.

He'd napped for her. A smile broke across her lips.

Ander returned and sat next to her. "Were you disappointed by my choice to leave with Stacie?"

Maeve bit her lip. She wasn't sure how to answer that. "You can do whatever you want. I don't think it matters what I think," she mumbled. But she cared. She didn't want him to sleep with Stacie. She had been mad about that. It didn't make any sense, and she didn't have any right, but she didn't want Ander to be with other women.

"Of course it matters. It can be difficult to live up to Will's expectations. I did not want you to assume I make a habit of copulating with women I do not know."

She tilted her head. Did it mean Will lied to her last night? "That isn't any of my business. You don't judge me because I'm with Will," Maeve answered. It was hard to push herself to say she was with Will. At the moment, she wasn't positive if it was the truth anymore.

"It seemed appropriate that I clarify because we share a bed. There is not much risk of a transmutable disease, but it is only polite to be honest if you share a bed with someone," he explained.

She cast her eyes at the comforter. He'd only told her that because they slept in the same bed, not because he cared what her opinions were about his sexual habits. Of course. Maeve felt so stupid for considering anything else. The room to the door opened. 

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