Chapter 17 - Will

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Note: This is steamy so if you're not a fan skip this chapter until next week! Also don't forget the content warnings from before!

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Will opened the door and walked into his room, scanning for anything moved or disturbed since he was there. Everything was in its place.

"Your room is spelled shut?" Maeve asked as she crossed the threshold. She turned in a circle and peered at everything. She hadn't paid attention the last time they were in there.

He nodded. She was so fucking sexy, standing in her green nightgown with wet hair. He loved the way it hugged her ass and breasts. She moved near one of the shelves that lined a wall, filled with different tools and weapons. The long nightgown floated behind her as she moved. Once again, he was reminded of a painting of an angel. The odd thought that he wanted to fuck and worship her at the same time crossed his mind.

"Do you need all these weapons? There are so many types of... everything." She glanced at him over her shoulder. He couldn't wait to be between her legs. She must've read his mind because she blushed and averted her eyes.

"I do. Always need the right weapon for the job," he explained and stepped up behind her, wrapping his arms around her. She leaned against him. His hands moved over the curves of her body and stopped at her full breasts, perfect handfuls. She sighed against him.

"I've been thinking about this all day. No, for days, weeks." Will moved his hands back down her body and lifted the nightgown up to her waist. He swept the nightgown over her head and dropped it to the carpet. His fingers traced her spine as he appreciated the way her lower back curved in before the swell of her plump ass.

She faced him and drew his lips to hers. Berries, she always tasted like fresh berries. He grabbed her by the back of her neck and claimed her lips before he growled into her mouth. He needed to be inside of her, but tore his mouth away in a vain attempt at self-control.

Tonight wasn't for fucking. Tonight, he'd feast on her and incinerate away anyone else she had ever been with. Consume and brand her as his. No other male would ever touch her again. He backed them up to his bed. The only dick she'd ever get wet for would be his.

His mouth captured hers as they laid on his bed. Her stomach muscles clenched as his fingers trailed over her. Maeve's fingers reached around and touched the scar where his hairline met his neck and his cock twitched. His hand strayed to her neck and wrapped around her throat. She moaned as her hips bucked against him. He tightened his grip. The scent of her arousal made his dick ache.

Will forced himself to break their kiss and gazed at her. Her eyes were unfocused and filled with desire. He let go of her throat and dropped his palm to her breasts and caressed them as she inhaled before he lowered his mouth to her nipples and sucked on them while he slid her underwear off. She panted and lifted her hips.

His hands skimmed along her torso as he moved lower and spread her legs, trailing kisses inward. Her creamy skin was petal soft. Before her, he didn't have a type, but she was perfect, and the only skin he wanted to run his fingers over was hers. An odd feeling passed over him. The need to possess her was still strong, but more than that, he wanted to please her. It wasn't like with the other women he'd been with, where the pressure was to prove he was best. With her, it was more. He didn't need to prove anything, but he wanted to be the best for her, so when she remembered these moments, she'd know he cared, even if he never could say it.

Will wanted to be a gentleman and take his time, but as he continued the way down her glorious body and the essence of her arousal hit him, it pushed him to the edge. He yanked her to him and ran his tongue over her warm folds, tracing them at a leisurely pace, paying attention to every breath, every sigh, every moan. Every time he passed her clit, he'd give it a teasing flick of his tongue that made her cry out.

Maeve grabbed his sheets and twisted them in her hands as her back arched. He used his tongue to tease her open and sheathed his tongue inside her. His dick strained against his pants and demanded he raise her legs up so he could bury himself in her delicious heat, but he refused to allow his libido to ruin things.

Will's lips and tongue moved over every part of her, savoring her. Memorizing the flavor of her so he would never forget what divine tasted like. He licked, nipped, and sucked until she purred and gasped. When his tongue circled her drenched bud she arched into him and tugged him closer.

"Oh god," she breathed. "Will!" Maeve's hands tightened in his hair as her body shuddered under him.

He fucking loved how she screamed his name, but it wasn't enough, he had to have more. Will moved up and gave her a carnal kiss as she continued to tremble. He put his lips to her throat and licked her neck before he took her earlobe in his mouth.

"I haven't even started yet," he told her.

"What?" she asked between breaths.

His fingers slid down her torso and stomach before dragging over her soaking pussy. She groaned. He slipped a finger inside her, and she clutched his shoulders. He dragged his mouth from her neck before he pulled the finger out and licked it, grinning.

"It's gonna feel even better with my fingers inside you," He winked. Her eyes widened, which made him smile and kiss her again.

"But don't you want..." she paused awkwardly.

"The only thing I'm interested in tonight is you." He kissed her. "Eating you over and over again until you pass out." Until you understand you're mine and no one else will ever touch you again. Will began his descent down on her body again. 

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