Chapter 57 - Ander

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Ander sat up slowly, testing how well his chest wound had healed. Sweat broke out on his brow from the effort. He lowered himself back on the bed and panted until he caught his breath. Dr. Morton told him that his injuries were no longer life threatening, which he already knew, but he was still considered serious. At the time, he was exhausted from casting the healing incantation and in pain from using his soul's energy, so he had been amicable to the doctor.

Mason stopped in and sat with him, sitting in comfortable silence for around an hour before she told him to rest up and that both he and Will were out of the field until he healed. He had agreed after observing Mason; she was upset. Ander knew better than to inquire what she was angered by, but it urged him to motivate.

After Mason left, he had forced himself to sleep. Without Maeve next to him, he was reminded why he detested attempts at slumber. His nightmares caused him to break several items in the room, rattled the overnight staff, and caused more injury to his body. Between the nightmares, waking hallucinations, and pain, he had for the first time in months considered leaving the veterinary hospital and to seek methamphetamine. It would be easy to find in this area.

He might still hallucinate, but at least he would be awake. It was easier to distinguish the difference between reality and his visual disturbances if he was awake. At least, it was what he told himself at medical school.

You can't keep putting that poison in your body, Will told him after he had sobered up and attempted to create methamphetamine himself. Everybody has nightmares, Andy, you have to work through them.

That was inaccurate, or perhaps, just not to the level he and Will experienced them. Ander balled his hands into fists. His shoulder protested, but he ignored it. If Will could cope with his inner demons, so could he. He took several deep breaths to calm his rapid heart rate.

He needed to return to Maeve and Will. Everything would normalize again. It had been hours; the sun had recently set and the din of the veterinary hospital became quieter as the minutes ticked by. It was time. Dr. Morton had done his last check for the evening before he left. The night shift would avoid his room, and him, because of his issues last night.

Ander detached the various equipment from his body and turned it off. His eyes scanned the room for any of his belongings, but other than what was on him, there was nothing. He gritted his teeth and lowered his feet to the floor. Shit. No shoes. The last thing he needed was to cut his foot and fight off an infection as well.

For a minute, he sat unmoving and wondered if he should wait another day. The now dim glow of his markings reminded him that regardless of how careful he was, anyone who saw him would understand he was different. His eyes flicked to the utility shelf next to the door. It had various office and medical supplies. Thankfully, someone had haphazardly placed a roll of duct tape on the top shelf.

Within thirty minutes, he had basic cardboard and duct tape sandals on his feet and took a brief break to recover from his efforts. He considered calling Will to pick him up, but had no idea what mindset Will was in after everything that occurred. Ander took the coat hanging on the back of the door to cover his bare torso and shrugged it on. He rested against the door while he let the agony move through him before he took the pain medication and cracked open the door.

As quietly as he could, he shuffled down the hallway, listening as the staff moved around and spoke. Ander stood in the shadows, observing the staff, and waited until they took a wounded dog in the back. The human at the front desk left their cell phone. He immediately walked to the desk and picked it up before it changed to the lock screen and disappeared back down the hallway.

Ander kept his gaze lowered to not startle anyone with his bright eyes. A few of the patrons glanced at him, but were too caught up in their worry for their animals to care about him. He quickly installed the new taxi application that was all the rage and ordered a pick up from the veterinary hospital.

Initially, Ander had been amused that Dr. Morton used the vet hospital's forms for his records and classified him as a large dog, but now he was glad he had read through the notes. Not only because it was helpful for his condition, but also because it had the address and hospital name on the forms. After paying for the trip, he closed the app and returned the phone to the front desk before walking out of the front door.

Quickly, the driver arrived. Ander allowed himself a moment to stare out of the window and reflect.

"Hello?" An unknown voice he couldn't place disrupted his thoughts.

The car was in front of the motel. Ander blinked and opened the door. The driver seemed a bit startled as Ander's eyes flicked toward him and pulled away quickly. He felt dizzy, but trudged to their room. Almost there. He stumbled to the door and knocked, forcing himself not to lean on it.

Nothing. He turned and peered at the parking lot. The SUV was gone. Just as he was about to put his head against the door, it flew open. Maeve's dark eyes were wide with worry, her long thick hair fanned around her shoulders.

Ander wanted to speak, to tell her how much he had ached for her, but his throat was dry. She threw her arms around him and hugged him. It was excruciating and made him queasy. He moved his arms around her and held her. She pulled back to look at him with moist eyes.

She cupped his face. "You're really here," she whispered. "I... I was so worried about you," she tugged him into the room.

He did not resist when she moved them to his bed and sat him down. He fought, passing out as his vision doubled. The door clicked closed, and he braced himself on the bed. Maeve returned with a bottle of water and opened it. He took it with shaky hands and tossed a few more pills into his mouth.

"Are you okay? I mean, I know you're not, but you're so pale." Her fingers brushed his cheek as her eyes searched his face.

"I am all right," he said in a rough voice. His ribs and shoulder throbbed.

"You don't look okay. Will said we couldn't see you until tomorrow. I wanted to see you." She scooted closer and her foot tapped his duct tape footwear. Her eyes flicked down to his feet and then back to his face. Her mouth dropped open. "Did they release you like this?"

He finished the bottle of water. "I released myself."

Her hands flew to her cover her lips. "You just left, didn't you? Ander, you have to go back. You aren't well enough to be here."

He shook his head and swayed on the bed from the dizziness it brought on.

She moved to catch him before he fell back or off of the bed. "I'm calling Will. You need to go back. Oh god, is that blood?"

Ander looked at his torso as a small line of blood made its way to his waist. She made him lie back on the bed. Her eyes widened when he would not release her arms.

"Please lay with me for just a moment," he whispered. He was exhausted, just needed a quick nap.

"Ander I-" she began, her eyes locked with his.

The air thickened until it felt almost solid, tinged with electricity. He let go of one of her arms and moved it to her waist, and pulled her towards him. For a brief second she resisted, but then her eyes lost focus and she put her body next to his and inclined her head closer to him. Her lips were parted as she ran her hand through his hair.

"I need you," he told her. "Stay with me." His voice was firm, despite the fatigue he battled.

She nodded and laid down next to him.

"Just need you..." he whispered as sleep took him.

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