Chapter 86 - Ander

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Ander woke, content to hold Maeve until she roused. Will was already up and moving around the room. Uncertain how the day would unfold, he kept his eyes closed and remained still. The day was unlikely to be pleasant, however Maeve told him she still cared for him, which meant it did not matter how awful the hours were. She would be there again in his arms soon enough. He would focus on that.

His mind wandered and went over his plan, how he would, in secret, re-cast the concealment spell on Maeve. He would allow Will to do the ritual so he was satisfied, but take the necessary steps to do it again - correctly - later. It was important for Ander to know if the spell he created would truly conceal. If so, the ability to modify the incantation as needed would be endless. Excited as Ander was with the endeavor, he was more excited at the prospect that Maeve recognized it was he that had made her swoon.

A pang of guilt followed on the heels of that thought, but Ander dismissed it for the moment. His actions were deplorable, but they were also needed to discover what caused the odd, stimulating interactions between them. He could not correct the behavior if he did not understand the cause. Maeve moved in his arms. Her hand skimmed across his torso. His body responded and before she discovered his bulging excitement, he forced his thoughts to performing an emergency surgery on a perforated ulcer. In his mind, he focused on lengthening the omentum by dividing it according to the anatomic pattern of the vessels.

One of her hands slid out from under his shirt and over his scrub top on his chest. It continued until rested on his neck. "Are you okay?" she asked in the sleepy, soft tone she used when they were alone.

"Yes," he whispered, aware that Will listened to each of their words.

Maeve did not move her hand, but rolled back to peer at him. The sounds of Will making coffee grabbed her attention, and she dragged her hand away. Her expression turned sour. "I'll be right back." She breezed into the bathroom, not looking at Will once.

Ander remained in the bed but glanced at Will. He drank his coffee, staring at him like he wanted to rip him apart.


"Don't Ander, just don't," Will snapped at him.

"Alright, but I want you to know... I understand you do not think she is a monster."

Rage made Will's face and neck red. A vein throbbed at his temple as he gnashed his teeth.

"We will need to pick up the last of the components tonight," Ander reminded him.

"I'll pick up the components. You'll stay here with her."

The bathroom door opened and Maeve kept her eyes trained on Ander as she returned to their bed.

"Should we discuss the ritual?" Ander asked as Maeve slid under the covers.

Will's eyes followed Maeve's movement. His hand trembled as he raised the cup to his mouth. Ander muscles tensed, prepared to move. A twinge of pain in his chest and shoulder cautioned him not to move at his normal speed. He sensed Maeve's gaze on him, unaware of how close Will was to violence.

"I need to go out," Will blurted out, picking up his cigarettes and keys off of the nightstand. His gaze never left Maeve, not even as he slammed the door.

The tension left Ander's body as his injuries ached from the stress.

"How long do you think he'll be gone?"

Ander wanted to shrug, but his shoulder throbbed. "I am uncertain."

"He's never going to accept what he considers half-breeds, is he?"

Ander turned his head toward her, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "I do not believe so, but he does not consider you a monster," he reminded her.

"Sure, when he wants to bed me." She moved her back against the headboard. "I'm such an idiot. I always want to see the best in people, even when that part is so small, it doesn't stand a chance against the rest of them."

Ander moved to position himself beside her. "He did not mean those statements about you, I swear on," Ander stopped. What could he swear upon? He had faith in nothing except her and his bond with Will. "I swear on my bond with Will," he stumbled over his honest words. He had never spoken them out-loud before.

Her eyes widened at his words. "You really mean that."

"I know he is stubborn and belligerent, but it takes Will time to understand his emotions and often he can not discern most beyond the rage. He is more than tempered rage."

"You really love him like your brother, don't you?"

Ander nodded.

"You have to say it," she whispered.

He grimaced, not comfortable admitting his attachment to anyone, especially Will. "There is no one more important to me than Will."

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