Chapter 63 - Somewhere in Hell

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"Have you found the female and the Soldiers of Night?" It asked, folding its wings against its back. The fledgling recoiled in fear. The scent of its fear made the demon's skin tingle with excitement. Although the creature's fear meant failure for its task, it meant hours of pleasure for the demon, personally. Its lips twisted into a terrifying grin. "Now, now, young one, do not fear me. I am only asking a question." It made its voice softer.

"I am sorry, my liege. She has vanished again. I failed House Decadent," the fledgling whispered.

"Indeed, you have failed," the overseer whispered as it walked around the youngling demon, breathing in its terror. The creature tried to control its trembling. "We cannot allow House Merciless to find her first - can we? It would not please our overlord." The demon flicked its tail as it circled.

"I beg you to allow me one more chance to find her. There is magic that blocks us from tracking her, but if we-" the fledgling began.

The demon laughed, unable to hold in its glee. Begging before the fun even began, very promising. "You are not skilled in that area, but you will serve in a different capacity." It flashed a toothy smile of jagged teeth before clapping its claws together.

Two other demons entered the chamber. "Kneel for your redemption," the overseer commanded the lesser demon, who crumpled to the floor.

The demon eyed the well-dressed demon with caution. "Zagan, House Decadent welcomes you. Do you have the angel?"

Zagan was smug as he raised the sack. It hummed with power and made the demon salivate in anticipation. Even dead and in pieces, angels' parts held shards of their soul, forever tied to the forms God had created for them. Fools probably hadn't realized how cruel their savior had been when they were made. Demons had no such problems. If they were destroyed, they were gone.

The demon licked its lips, almost tasting the sweetness that would soon cross its lips, the power it would devour from the remains of the angel.

"Do you have the location?" Zagan hissed.

The overseer pried its shining eyes from the sack and held out its clawed hand. "The terms were settled with your house," it said impatiently.

Zagan showed his teeth before he handed the sack over.

"Fledgling, tell him where you tracked the female and soldiers to."

The fledgling's head snapped up and the shock made its white eyes larger. "But, overseer, it is from House Merciless..." the timid fledgling whined.

Disgusted and turned on, the overseer could not wait for the torture to begin with this one. "Do as you are told and redeem your mistake."

For a moment, a flicker of defiance crept into the fledgling's eyes, but it flickered and went out. "Belle Glade, FL. North."

"House Merciless thanks you. Enjoy your prize. Our business is concluded." Zagan turned and left with the others.

Additional demons were no longer needed, in case Zagan picked a fight.

The overseer caressed the bag. "Your failure is almost forgiven."


It snapped its tail and wrapped it around the creature's neck, squeezing until its eyes bulged. Just before it passed out, it loosened its hold before sliding its claws deeply into their chest. Blood leaked out and around its claws.

"Yes, when I've had my fill of you, all is forgiven. I like you Ofos. You are a coward, but loyal and you may be of use." The overseer twisted its claws until several ribs snapped, dropping the pitiful fledgling to the ground. "Once you have healed, we will begin again."

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