Chapter 32 - Maeve

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Maeve breathed in Ander's clean scent of eucalyptus, lime, and clover leaf, and snuggled closer to him. Irrational thoughts danced in her mind as she moved her hands over his scars on his chest and stomach. Ever since he'd let her put her hands on his bare chest, she found she couldn't fall asleep with him if she didn't touch him. Tonight she didn't want to just touch him, she wanted to touch him.

Maybe it was because Will's actions had wounded her. She'd finally opened up to him because he slowly was opening up to her only for him to lash out and reject her again. No, this need, this want with Ander was something else. It was confusing because of her feelings towards Will, but it wasn't some knee jerk reaction because of Will. The memory of Ander's dimly lit eyes sent a shiver down her spine and made her heart race in her chest. She moved closer to him, snuggling tightly. He continued to rub her back with his hand, even though it had to hurt. He probably thought she was upset about Will, and she was, but that wasn't why she wanted his bare skin against hers.

Her eyes popped open. That wasn't where she wanted her thoughts to go. That wasn't their relationship. She took a deep breath and blushed. Maeve was thankful he couldn't see the color that rose in her cheeks because her hair blocked her face from him. She'd burrowed next to his chest. Why didn't Will want Ander to cast the ward all the time? It had been so much easier and faster when he did it. The memory of Ander's chilled skin when she first woke after the shade attack echoed in her mind. Right, he had to be careful. But, he'd been careful, and she was right next to him. His skin seemed to be at its normal temperature. It was cooler than most people, but it was his normal.

The door to the room opened. Maeve felt her body stiffen, and she pushed herself further into Ander's chest. She had zero interest in talking to Will. She listened to him move around the room, and Ander clutched her tightly. For once, she hoped Will was too drunk to care where she was and would just go to bed without causing a fight. For a couple of terrible minutes, she tried to lie as still as possible and not let her breathing seem erratic. Ander continued to clasp her. When she heard Will flop into his bed, she let out a breath. They may argue tomorrow, but tonight she was safe in Ander's arms. 

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