Chapter 73 - Ander

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Ander looked up from the screen of his phone when he caught their movement outside. Will came around the driver's side of the SUV, which meant they were not in immediate danger. He slid out and hurried to the passenger side. Will started the SUV and pulled on to the road with rigid features, his jaw working. Ander could almost hear the grinding of his teeth. He knew better than to ask questions, but he wondered what Will was battling with internally. He turned to peek at Maeve. Her face was pale from exhaustion and worry. Ander's brow furrowed. Something had happened, but unless either of them told him, it was impossible to guess what it may have been.

The sun had lit the horizon as Will stopped to refuel the SUV. Ander got out of the vehicle and pumped the gas, as always, while Will entered the store. His eyes strayed to the rising sun, noting the changing colors in the sky. The back door opened and drew his attention. Maeve got out and also headed into the small convenience store. If Will did not return with breakfast items, he would go to procure some.

Once the SUV finished fueling, Will returned and nodded as he got back into the driver's seat. Ander took the cue and walked to the two glass doors and passed Maeve. Faint traces of rosemary and mint cause him to slow his pace. Once inside, he used the restroom and then grabbed a few sweet pastries for Will and Maeve and fruit for himself.

The silence remained for the duration of the trip. Upon entering the room, the first thing Will did was grab one of his bottles of bourbon and poured himself an ample glass. Ander put the bag of food on the table and watched Maeve enter the bathroom to change her clothing. When she returned, she had on the black leggings he had purchased, one of Will's t-shirts, and his flannel. She picked up the camera and sat on his bed. Ander meant to move his gaze from her, but stood transfixed by the view of her profile. In the background, Will took off his clothing and changed.

"I got some pictures. They probably aren't good, but I wasn't expecting to take them just then." Maeve's fingers moved over the buttons.

Ander sat beside her. She had left her hair up. He had an odd urge to pull her hair free, so it would tumble in waves down her back. "I can enhance them on the computer if needed."

"I don't think it was a shade or zombie. I mean, it seemed solid and we could both see it, so probably not a shade. I've never seen a zombie, but it wasn't gross like them and it didn't move like they do. Well, if any of that is right," she said, staring at the camera.

"Not a ghoul either, otherwise it would've smelled us and been on top of us. Its eyes glowed," Will interjected.

Ander's head snapped toward Will, who was pouring himself another glass of bourbon. They waited until now to inform him there was a monster at the cotton mill? They both had been in danger, especially Maeve, who was not trained to combat monsters.

Will caught his vicious expression and put his hands up. "I didn't know anything was there. There's nothing in any of the research that said there would be."

Ander's lips flattened into a line. Will was correct. He felt like someone had kicked him. He had allowed them to check the location and put them at risk because he had not discovered there was a creature.

"Here," Maeve said, and handed him the camera.

Ander peered at the tiny screen as he stood and pulled out his laptop, connecting the camera so they could view the images better. After a few minutes, he had downloaded the pictures and stared at the image. They were decent pictures, but too far away. She had remembered to use the zoom, but needed to be about thirty feet closer for him to accurately identify the creature. He swallowed, relieved they were not closer to get a better image. Maeve and Will stood behind him, also viewing the screen.

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