Chapter 9 - Will

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Maeve yawned. She was tired again. He was glad she was recovering and seemed okay, but he didn't want to think about how much it messed him up when he thought she might die or turn into a vegetable. Will forced his eyes away from her. Ander still wasn't positive if she was going tonna be a hundred percent, but if this was it, then it was good enough. She was still confused about the first few days after the attack, but otherwise, seemed pretty functional.

A voice in his mind told him she shouldn't be okay, and that it made her a monster, but he told it to fuck off. He was just glad she was still there. He'd tried to keep away from her, to not touch her, but she was so receptive to him. He rubbed the back of his head. His thoughts were consumed by the idea of her body next to his. It had been days since they'd slept together. Days since he fell asleep breathing in her scent, her softness pressed against him. Days since the noise in his head wasn't so loud. If she didn't sleep with him tonight, he was going togonna lose his shit.

"Hey, I know you aren't tired yet, but," she started looking down at him with those dark, fathomless eyes.

"I could sleep," he responded.

She raised her eyebrows and then smiled at him. His heart constricted in his chest. Maeve was going togonna sleep with him. She turned and padded to the bathroom. He got up, took off his shirt, and pulled on his sleep pants. Ander sat stiff in the chair and glared at his book.

"You need to rest, too. Put the barrier up tonight," Will told him in a softer tone. Ander didn't respond to him, but his jaw tightened. "Andy, we all got hurt. You need the rest."

Ander closed the book loudly before he sat it on the table. He yanked out the crystals and his scrubs. After Maeve exited the bathroom, Will waited for Ander to change into his scrubs and began the steps for the barrier. Maeve sat at the edge of his bed and waited. His heart picked up pace. Even if they were here for days and she slept with Ander again, his sheets would still be scented by her.

"I started getting things set up. All you gotta do is finish it out," Will told Ander before he tended to his teeth.

Ander had finished the barrier and was in bed with a frown. Maeve appeared concerned and peered at Ander, but Will stepped in front of her and blocked the view of him. Her eyes drifted up to his, and her chest moved up and down as she bit her lip. Fuck, he wanted to kiss those rosebud lips, needed to taste her again. She stood, and her nightgown billowed from her movement. His gaze strayed to her chest. Suddenly, the light flicked off behind them.

Will couldn't see in total darkness like Ander seemed to, but he could see in low light. There was enough light peeking in around the curtains that he saw her form, her face, those soft lips. He reached out and traced his thumb over her bottom lip and wrapped his other hand around her waist and drew her to him. No resistance. Instead, she pressed closer until their bodies touched. Her delicate hand touched his chest before it slid up to his neck. Every breath she took pressed her breasts against him.

He took her lips with his and meant to be gentle, but he was desperate to taste her. Touching her set off a sharp, wild need, and he ravaged her mouth as she curled her fingers to the back of his neck and touched his scar. His dick hardened. She tugged him closer and opened to him. Will's tongue conquered her mouth as his fingers threaded in her hair. He guided them back until her legs touched his bed. He dragged his lips from hers just long enough for them to get into bed before he claimed them again and again.

He was slipping and wasn't gonna be able to stop. The driving need to consume her made his skull throb and his teeth tingle. She was his. Never had he wanted anyone, anything, as much as he wanted to own her. His desire and violence warred inside him. He wanted to shatter her and then rebuild her inside of him. They could break each other and be remade together. Bound to each other forever. Bloody and broken, but together.

The fuck? He forced his mouth away from hers and rolled her so her back was against him. Had to get his crazy under control. God, he wanted to fuck her, bury himself so deep in her that there was no beginning or end to either of them. He was unsure if he'd be to lay there and just sleep with her, and then she pressed her ass against his cock. Without thinking, he bit her shoulder. She gasped. The sound was caught between surprise, pain, and arousal. Will stopped and put his arm on her hips to stop her wiggling ass and gnashed his teeth. She'd liked it. Fuck.

"Sorry I didn't-" he started, his voice thick with want.

She turned her head and used her arm to pull his lips back to hers and pushed her ass against him again. The scent of her arousal made him dizzy. She'd liked when he bit her. He gripped her hip tight and pushed his dick against her. She moaned in his mouth. They had to stop. They couldn't do it this way. He had to take his time, show her she meant something.

He dragged his lips from her and put his forehead on her shoulder, taking labored breaths. She smelled so fucking good. The same sweet scent as before made him salivate and he licked his lips. Will counted to fifty to himself to keep from flipping her over and ripping her underwear off and going down on her until she screamed his name.

"Your idea earlier, planning, it was a good idea." He stumbled through the words. Had to think about something else instead of fucking her.

She became still. "Really?" her voice was husky.

"Yeah, I can't," he paused and took a deep breath, "I can't think real well right now, but I'm gonna think about it more tomorrow," he managed.

He moved his head and kissed the back of her neck before he tugged her against him and laid his arm around her torso. She relaxed against him. Will forced himself to be still and ignored his craving for her. After a few minutes, she fell asleep. He nuzzled her neck and breathed in her essence, focusing on the sound of her even breathing. Peace that he'd not experienced in days blanketed him.

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