Chapter 41 - Maeve

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To Will's dismay, they had spent most of the day doing "nerd" things with Ander for his birthday. They'd gone to two bookstores before heading to the South Florida Science Center and Aquarium. Will attempted not to complain, but was bored for most of the visit to the aquarium, and kept trying to rush them through the exhibits. When he found out Ander had purchased tickets to an orchestra playing at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, he refused to go. Ander tried to keep the smile from his face as Will stomped away, heading to a local brewery to kill time until the show was done.

"You did that on purpose," Maeve chided him. "He'll be drunk when we come out."

His grin turned into a smile as he shrugged. "Most likely, but I believe that was his intent today."

"I think that was more for you than him."

"You are correct, but I have no desire to drink for my birthday. This day has been... refreshing," he commented.

"Is it different from your other birthdays?"

"Yes, very different. You are here."

Maeve felt the blood rush to her cheeks. They found their seats and sat. Looking around, she felt underdressed. "What do you normally do for your birthday?"

Ander shrugged. "It depends on if we are on a mission or not. Mostly, it is whatever Will suggests, since I can rarely suggest something that is acceptable to both of us."

Maeve sighed. That sounded right. Given the fact until she was a part of their lives, it seemed like Ander did most of whatever Will told him to do. "But you're having a good time today?"

He turned his head towards her and his now brown eyes studied her for a heartbeat before he nodded. "You are here."

Once again, heat rushed to her face as the light dimmed around them. For a few minutes, Maeve forgot everything and allowed herself to be carried away by the music. She was no longer in danger from demons.

Demons didn't exist. Monsters didn't, either. There was no war. No death. Just beauty and love. She wasn't even herself. She was someone else, far away from here and all the problems. She was powerful and revered. Everything was perfect and bright, it was heaven. Except that heaven was a lie, and Will and Ander weren't there.

Everything around her was false. Lies choked her. She wasn't meant to be here.

Maeve's hands gripped the arms of the seat as sweat covered her body. She blinked rapidly as the room spun around her. The orchestra music was deafening. She felt Ander's hand on her shoulder before she slanted her eyes to him. His brow was furrowed with concern. She brought her trembling hand to his leg and fought the urge to climb into his lap. Desperate to have something ground her, she wanted his arms around her.

He tilted his head to the right. She shook her head. She wasn't okay. Ander took her hand and led her out of the room. She clasped his hand tightly as she stared at the floor and concentrated on making her legs walk. Her insides trembled uncontrollably. Once they were in the quiet lobby, she wrapped her arms around him and put her face against his shoulder. He held her until her breathing normalized.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make us leave," she croaked out.

"That does not matter. You do. What happened?" he asked as smoothed her hair down.

"I don't know. Nothing like that's ever happened before," she answered, and leaned against the wall behind her.

"We should sit somewhere, you are pale," Ander suggested.

She leaned forward, about to step away from the wall, but was dizzy again. She blinked, and Ander was in front of her and gently pressed her against the wall. His fingers were on her throat and took her pulse as their eyes locked. Her heart raced from his heated gaze. That was the way Will looked at her, not Ander. She fought a shiver of arousal that slid down her spine and made her legs more unsteady. Her hands found their way to his sides and slid around to his torso and chest. They climbed up until they circled his neck as her eyelids became heavy. She closed her eyes with parted lips, a peaceful feeling swept through her.

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