Chapter 60 - Ander

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Ander's eyes fluttered open. The SUV came to a stop. It was dark outside, which meant he had slept from lunch to evening and with no dreams. He sighed with relief. Understanding Will's desire to leave Florida, he agreed to lie in the back of the SUV and attempt to rest. Begrudgingly, he took the strong pain medication the doctor sent with them, mainly to appease Maeve.

She had stayed with him last night. Waking with her next to him made his throat thicken with emotion. There had been no nightmares or hallucinations since he returned to them. One door opened. Maeve's fingers ran through his hair and lessened his pain.

"Hey, we're here. Will's checking in. We're going to the room soon."

She began to pull her hand away, but he put his left hand on her arm.

"Are you okay? Do you need something?"

He squeezed her arm in response.

Her seatbelt clicked as she opened it and twisted around in her seat. "We're both right here. Everything's okay."

He wanted to look at her, but his eyelids grew heavy and closed.

"Come on, Andy, just a few more steps," Will said as he helped him over the threshold and into the room.

Ander forced himself to take steps. He refused to allow Will to carry him into the room. Will placed him on the bed. He swallowed hard. He did not want to vomit, but the room spun violently around him. Ander detested pain medication and how it affected him. He laid back on the mattress and broke his cardinal rule to always check the bed for cleanliness or infestations before placing his body on it. His eyes shut again.

"Yeah, Andy has always been sensitive to pain meds, it's why he won't take anything, usually. Shit, even ibuprofen can fuck him up," Will said somewhere near him, but Ander could not open his eyes.


"Yep, and any kind of allergy stuff, too. He used to have spring allergies when he was a kid, but if he took anything, it would knock him out. Guess it's good he grew out of them."

"We have to give him another dose before we go to bed or he'll wake up in terrible pain. Do you want to check his bandages now?" Maeve asked.

Ander wanted to object to any more medication, but it seemed like a weight was on his body and he could not move. He sensed them closer to him, but still he could not open his eyes. Someone sat next to him on his left. Moments later, he felt Maeve's gentle touch on the side of his face.

"Let's look at these first." Will's voice was above him.

Ander heard Maeve inhale as Will removed bandages.

He felt Will touching him, but it was odd, almost like a dream. That made Ander pause. Perhaps none of it had been real. He was still asleep and what he believed was reality was a dream. His heart thundered in his ribcage as blood rushed in his body. Was he even with them? It was possible he was still in the veterinary hospital and sedated.

He could have used his mind to visualize his reunion with them, but in truth, he still laid there, waiting for someone to collect him. No. If he was sedated, then the creatures would come for him. They always did. His breathing grew shallow. Or the humans he murdered. They always found him. The ringing in his skull grew in volume until it was almost deafening. Sometimes Wyatt returned and would hunt them. He had to wake up - had to escape. He could not remain there.

"Andy, it's okay, calm down. I'm right here. We're both right here." Will's voice cut through his panic.

Maeve's hand squeezed his left while Will touched his torso. Was this real? His eyes ripped open and found Will peering at him with concern. Ander blinked to clear the blurriness. Will had not looked at him with genuine worry like that for months.

"You okay?" Will asked him in a rough voice.

Ander shook his head once, but then stopped due to the dizziness.

"Do you need a drink?"

Ander tilted his chin down. Will stood. Maeve pinched her brows in confusion, still not used to how they communicated. Will returned with water and pills, helping Ander to sit. Ander took the water, but refused the pills.

"You need to take them or you'll be in pain," Maeve told him.

He finished the water. "No." His voice was hoarse, even with the fluid consumed. "Rather be in pain." His eyes flicked to Will, hoping he would understand.

Will's brow furrowed as he took the empty bottle, but he nodded. Relief spread through Ander. Will laid him back on the bed.

"Wait, I thought we decided-" Maeve began.

"Can't, at least not tonight. He needs a break for the meds." Will's fingers brushed his hair back as he spoke.


"They're messing with his head. So nothing 'til tomorrow," Will said firmly. "Stay with him tonight." Will lifted his hand from Ander.

Ander's eyes closed, but he was no longer filled with dread. He woke up when Maeve entered the bed. She moved until she was pressed against his left side and took his hand in hers. His mind drifted to when they were in the swamp.

He had wanted to live in the swamp. It was why he used magic to save himself, despite understanding Will would be furious. When he had cast sphere of darkness to injure the werewolf, it was to protect and aid Will.

There had been a moment as he laid in the filthy water and bled out, he knew he could have let go. Finally, he would have the peace that eluded him. It would be over. Ander had recalled his conversation with Maeve and remembered how Will begged him to live, only four months before.

As his heart had slowed, he had a choice.

He chose to be with them.

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