Chapter 66 - Maeve

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Maeve had never been to a tattoo shop before. Will talked to a pierced individual behind the counter and held the book Ander had drawn the design in. She knew it had been her idea, but now that they were there and she heard the tattoo machines buzzing, it left her resolve in the dust. She wasn't a huge fan of needles, she could handle getting shots, but never enjoyed it.

Ander squeezed her hand and gave her a small smile. "The outline is always the worst part, but once it is finished, the remainder is easy."

She nodded and appreciated his attempt at reassurance, doubting Will would do the same. He didn't think getting a tattoo was a big deal and rarely had sympathy for pain. Both of their pain tolerances were high, so she didn't think either of them believed getting a tattoo was a painful experience, at least not compared to the wounds they'd received over the years.

"Okay, we're set. The artist will be ready in ten." Will slapped the book against his hand.

She glanced at the book because she didn't want him to see her fear. A faint smile crossed her lips when she realized Ander had drawn in the goddess book he'd bought when they were together at the bookstore. Ander squeezed her hand again before moving his hand back to his leg. Ander's irises were still brown. She preferred his green contacts, but his eyes gazed at her with tenderness and it helped her relax.

"You nervous?" Will's voice drew her attention.

Maeve refused to take the bait. "No. I'll be glad we don't have to spend time re-casting every few days."

Her motivation was twofold. One, she'd be hidden whether she was with them or alone and it'd end the uncomfortable situation between Will and Ander. Maeve didn't allow herself to consider how extreme it was that she was willing to permanently mark her skin to end the tension between them. Will's hesitation to let Ander lead the spell was clear, however Ander was a natural with the ritual and was faster. Maeve flushed at the memory of when he had done it himself with just them. Guilt coursed through her. She was with Will, but when Ander used magic, it was breathtaking. She'd never witnessed anything like it; the colors, the power - it was enthralling.

"You sure about getting a tramp stamp?" Will asked, a twinkle in his eyes.

She glared at him. He tried not to smile, but it crept across his lips and made her want to slap him. But, as she stared at his sensuous lips, other ideas crossed her mind that made her pulse race.

"Please do not refer to her tattoo that way," Ander snapped.

Will laughed. "Well, that's what they call it, but sure, we can call it her lower back tattoo directly above that smokin ass."

"Will!" Maeve blushed.

He put his hands up in surrender. "I'm just being honest." He winked at her.

Damn him - that wink. The sound of his rich laughter already had her skin tingling.

"How are your boots?" He peered at her feet.

"They're tight and hot." He'd told her it would take time to break them in, but she was miserable at the moment.

His eyes lit up with mirth and he opened his mouth, but then stopped and scratched his head. "Yeah, that's why you're wearing them now, gotta break em' in."

"How long do you think this'll take again?" Maeve wasn't certain she was going to be able to finish the tattoo in one sitting.

"Depends on the artist, but..." Will opened the book and studied the design on the inside of the cover. "Probably an hour or two."

Maeve took a deep breath. Maybe it wouldn't hurt the way she believed it would. Maybe the tattoo artist would be faster. Maybe it wasn't her best idea. As if cued; the artist, Jen, reappeared and motioned for her to follow. She and Ander stood and walked to her area. Jen was friendly and said all the right things, but Maeve's stomach was woven into knots, especially as she laid against the chair with her back exposed. Ander and Jen spoke in quiet voices as light touches grazed her skin.

"You ready?" Jen leaned toward Maeve.

"Yeah." Maeve's voice was far more confident than she was.

Ander turned to leave. "Ander," she blurted out. He stopped and faced her. "Can you stay here?"

"There's a chair over there," Jen said as she tested the tattoo gun.

Ander moved to the chair and pulled it closer. Her hand shot out and clasped his.

"Okay, don't move," said Jen.

Maeve tensed when she felt the needle against her skin. It hurt. She forced a slow, steadying breath. Jen kept going. It was about as painful as Maeve imagined, but it was more from her muscles involuntarily cramping than the actual needles themselves. Ander held her hand with a steady pressure, which helped distract her from the constant noise of the tattoo machine.

She closed her eyes and tried to imagine being somewhere else. Strangely, after an undetermined amount of time, the pain became less and less. It was almost... relaxing as Jen kept working. Was it like that for them when they got tattoos? She'd assumed it would be agony the whole time. Maeve knew some people liked getting tattoos for recreation, not for protection or identification, like Will and Ander, but she'd always thought they were mild masochists.

The sound died away, and the pain returned, but it'd morphed into something different. It felt like her back had been burned. Jen wiped her skin again. It seemed like she wiped it every few seconds. Initially, the coolness from the wipe felt great, but after the fifth time, it was annoying, and after the hundredth time, it just pissed Maeve off, because it ached when Jen did it.

"Alright, you're all done. This is your first tattoo, right?" Jen asked.

"Yeah," Maeve muttered, and sat up slowly.

Ander helped her stand. Damn, her back burned.

"Well, for a first timer, you did great. Normally, people don't get something that big and if they try, then end up squirming and ruining the art, or not even finish it." Jen smiled and then winked at her. "Don't think it's going to be your last."

"I do," Maeve said. Her back was so stiff. How would she sit in the SUV without her skin touching the seat?

"We'll see. I have a sense about that kinda stuff. Too bad I can't take a picture. That was a sick design. You do that? Or did your friend?" Jen asked as they walked to the front area.

"I did," Ander replied in his typical hushed tone.

"Nice, well, I hope you'll come back sometime. You want me to go over the care of your tattoo?" Jen handed Maeve a goodie bag.

Maeve shook her head. She just wanted to leave and knew Ander would know what needed to be done.

"We got this." Will joined them and gave Jen his charming smile.

"Right. How many did you say you have again?" Jen batted her eyelashes at him.

"Seven. I'll have to show you sometime," he told her with a grin.

Maeve was furious as he flirted with Jen, but her back felt like it was on fire, so she ignored him and left with Ander.

"You have my card, anytime." Maeve heard Jen's voice as they stepped outside.

"Asshole," Maeve grumbled, and climbed into the back seat. It took her a moment to figure out how to sit in the seat and only have it touch her sides.

"That was tactical. He meant nothing by it," Ander told her from the front seat. "He needs to be certain Jen did not make a copy of the design. We cannot allow others to have the design."

"But without magic, isn't it just a design?" She shifted in the spot and attempted to get comfortable.

"Yes, but there is still potential. It is best to be certain."

Her lips flattened. A couple of minutes later, Will hopped into the SUV. Maeve watched them exchange looks, and then Will nodded. Ander's shoulders relaxed. Great, so whatever Will had done must've worked, but she was still annoyed. 

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