Chapter 35 - Maeve

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The next few days passed rapidly. Maeve was relieved that they were busy and filled with things to do. Will being idle wasn't good for anyone. Between running, training, changing motels after Will paid a hefty sum because of the overall damage and going to the laundromat, June twenty-fifth came quickly and thankfully with no other arguments. 

Much to Will's dismay, Maeve hadn't slept with him on the night after his bar outing. She reminded him it was Ander's night. She'd told him he'd chosen to spend his night with her at a bar instead, so he'd need to wait. He grumbled, but agreed. Her body still hadn't adjusted to their sleeping schedule, but it was getting easier to function with less sleep. She was pleased when Ander yawned around two am almost every night now. He didn't bicker with her as much when she suggested he rest.

It was almost worth the grueling hour or two of training she survived with Will for the moments after. He was so gentle, and actually suggested she nap afterwards to stay up with them later. Maeve was certain he still wanted her. It was evident in every touch, but he'd been subdued since their searing kiss when he apologized. She wasn't sure why, and he wasn't willing to talk about it, so she let it go for now.

Ander continued regular exercise and often ran, even on days he knew they'd run in the evening. Sometimes, he did basic things like crunches, push-ups, pull-ups and the like. He told her he needed to exercise to keep himself distracted from things he shouldn't be thinking about, and to keep his serotonin levels high. She'd asked him what he shouldn't think about, but he got quiet and shrugged. She accepted that meant he wasn't going to answer her. It was frustrating to live with two people who were so focused on what they would not say.

Will, on the other hand, only trained. Any strength building that happened was from practicing his forms, sparring with Ander, or actual missions. Initially, she thought they'd only moved furniture to create room for her defense training, but then Ander explained that they did that anyway to make room for Will to practice. He knew bits and pieces from many types of martial arts, combat training, and moves he'd learned from missions with his father.

She'd asked him what he was doing when she saw him practice. It seemed so bizarre to her. Maeve wasn't familiar with fighting styles, but she could tell whatever he did kept switching because although his movements were fluid, they seemed disjointed. He laughed when she'd told him that and said that's why he always got the drop on monsters. They never knew what his next move would be.

After they finished dinner one evening, they got the order to engage the Aswang. They'd bickered about how they would destroy the Aswang, but Maeve intervened and ended it, helping each of them understand the other's point of view. They agreed to wait at its home, so when it returned in the morning, they'd kill it.

"But won't that mean someone might be dead?" Maeve asked.

Ander averted his eyes and Will grimaced.

"There is an elevated risk of hunting it at night," Ander explained.

She remembered him saying something about the Aswang shifting to another form at night to hunt its victims. "But I thought you didn't care."

"We don't, but you aren't ready to be on your own yet, so you have to come with us," Will told her.

Maeve's eyes widened. Wasn't the whole point or training her so that she could sit in the crystal barrier and wait for them to get back? Unless what they planned to destroy was easy, then maybe she'd be permitted to go. She wasn't even good enough to sit in the barrier and wait by herself? She cast her eyes to the floor and nodded.

"Thought you'd be excited to go with us," Will said.

"Yeah, I am." She tried to make her voice sound chipper. After all, she'd pushed for it since she began traveling with them. Will wouldn't understand why she was upset. She forced a smile and looked up. Ander tilted his head to the side and peered at her. Crap, he knew.

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