Chapter 42 - Will

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"You both done with your classical music?" Will asked as he scanned the perimeter. He'd spent the last few hours scouting and doing recon for the werewolf back near the motel. He was irritated that it took thirty minutes to get back to this area, but he decided he wouldn't let it ruin his mood. They got to do their boring stuff, and he got to get the lay of the land for the mission. Besides, traffic or no traffic, Maeve was going to be in his bed tonight.

He just had to get Ander hooked up with a woman. He'd seen Ander both painfully awkward with women and also confident. He was unsure what the trigger was for Ander's confidence around women, though. He stared at how Ander stood tonight, hunched over. It wasn't gonna be one of those nights.

"You should've come with us. It might have done you good to get some culture," Maeve teased him.

"I don't need that kind of culture," he replied with a grin. He pulled her against him and put his mouth on hers. Reluctantly, he let her go. Only a few more hours. "Where we headed?"

Ander stared at nothing. He shrugged. Of course, he never knew what he wanted to do for fun. The only thing Ander was good at planning was missions, educational crap, or medical stuff. He was always wound up too tight.

"Great, I saw some decent places on the way in to pick you up-"

"Will, we are not bar hopping," Maeve reminded him.

He gave her his charming smile. "I know, I know, but we can at least make one stop on the way out. Get Andy a drink for making it to a quarter of a century."

Maeve looked at Ander and bit her lip.

"Yes, that is acceptable," Ander said.

"Let's roll!" Will declared, more excited by the minute. He parked a couple of miles away at a more upscale bar that seemed busy. It wasn't his kind of place, but it was more of what Ander liked, especially the women. They were more educated and just as tightly wound as him, but looking for a good time. Will was determined to make sure it happened. Maeve was his tonight.

Ours, the voice barked at him. Will ignored it. 

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