chapter 15

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Edward left with Sarah, who was crying in panic from Antonio's anger, while the other sighed and looked at Julia, who was also looking at him with fear.

Antonio: "sorry, I'm going to have to postpone our exit today, I have to brother, I'll come back to you, have breakfast first ".

He kissed her forehead, left her, and left while she sat at the table and did not want to eat, but decided to wait for them to leave the office, while Antonio entered his office and closed the door behind him with great force while he looked at them sharply and then sat down in his place with coldness and arrogance.

Edward: "brother, please let me explain to you first.

Antonio: "explain to me what?" That your companion has called herself a talisman so as not to recognize her ".

Edward imprint: "brother, you know".

Antonio: "yes, I know everything, even what happened between you yesterday ".

He said it while looking at Sarah's neck, who was hiding with great panic in Edward, who hugged her, now knowing that his brother would not pass on what she had done, got up and went to them, so Edward stepped back in reaction and hid Sarah in his hands.

Edward: "brother, please, I let her from Aji don't do anything I know she made a mistake, but".

Antonio: "I don't care if I let her or not, it doesn't concern me, but I will not let this witch no matter what happens, do you understand, it is forbidden to use dirty magic in my kingdom, you know and everyone knows that".

Edward please: "please Antonio, she was little, she didn't realize the consequences of this. please, just this time, I promise you, you won't use magic again.

Antonio: "look at me, I said to lift your curse and look at me".

She carried out the orders while crying in my arms, as soon as she raised her eye to Antonio's eye, whose eye turned red and glowed until the weight of her body and lost consciousness in the hands of Edward, who surrounded her with panic, seeing her lost consciousness, raised his eye to his brother, who was looking at her coldly.

Edward: "Antonio, please, what did you do to her?".

Antonio: "take it from me right now and know that it will not go unnoticed".

Edward: "I'm not going to let you hurt her, do you understand, I'm not going to let you do that, I'm going to take her, I'm going to cheat from here and she's not going to see me again".

Antonio: "just try to do that and I swear I will find you if you go to the end of the world then I will end her miserable life in front of your very eyes, come on, leave in front of me ".

Gabriel, accompanied by Elaine, Lucas and Lisa, arrived at the herd to find Ethan waiting for them, with whom he had incited Violet.

Ethan: "Alpha, What are you going to do?".

Gabriel: "I will ask for a secret meeting of Alpha Kevin and Alpha Thomas".

Lucas: "and what will it benefit these dirty beings should be disposed of".

Gabriel said coldly: "it will happen but first everyone must agree on it, call King Antonio he must be present for this meeting".

Lucas: "Well, sir, I will, with your permission.

Ethan: "Alpha, What about my girlfriend ".

Gabriel: "she will stay with you until we make sure that she does not cause harm to the herd".

Ethan: "all right, sir ".

Ethan left accompanied by Violet, who was glad that she would stay with Ethan, while Lucas went to carry out Gabriel's orders, while Gabriel, who was still in the office thinking about that war that was about to break out, woke up to the sound of the door to find Elaine standing in front of the door and said softly.

Elaine: "can I come in".

Gabrielle affectionately "come, you can come in at any time ".

Her smile widened and she ran in his direction, throwing herself into his lap, and sitting at his feet.

Ellen: "why are you so late ".

Gabriel: "there are some things I have to finish".

Ellen: "did you finish it then?".

Gabriel: "not yet, why are you not in our ward".

Ellen: "I would like to sit with you for a while, would I like to know how to learn ".

Gabriel: "why work is boring, you won't like it ".

Ellen: "really for what ".

Gabriel: "because it's work, Elaine will kiss you do not hide".

Ellen shyly: "what but ".

Gabriel: "shhhhhhhh, leave everything to me".

She nodded as she looked at him shyly and hurried to close her eyes to approach her slowly until he reached those cherry lips and kissed her with all the love and passion, that night lasted until she did not know until they merged when she put her hand on his chest while he lifted her towards him and his kiss grew stronger, separating his kiss when she needed to breathe.

Gabrielle: "Will you accept me branding you ".

Elaine: "what do you mean".

Gabriel: "This is a werewolf ritual when flies fall in love with his mate, he marks her this is the first ritual of marriage that we do, then the physical relationship comes, but then first, and then a wolf mark appears on your shoulders where the tattoo is".

Ellen: "what a sign".

He got up, took off his shirt and turned to her to see that mark that she had seen before, I ran her finger over it, it was on his shoulder from the heart, he closed his eyes feeling her touch on his skin, She Lowered her finger to those signs that indicate that he was tortured, I turned to her to find more signs.

Elaine: "Gabriel is the one who did this to you".

Gabriel: "don't worry, baby, everything is in order, I don't remember anymore, these are just superficial wounds".

She nodded to him and wrapped her hand around his waist and put her head in it, he lifted her and sat her on the desk and sat on the chair in front of her, she smiled and opened her arms to him and raised his eyebrows as if he was telling her.

Ellen: "What do I want to hug you ".

Gabrielle is annoyed: "why don't you just say it, it feels like you're sitting in front of a child when you do it".

Ellen: "well, come to hug you".

He sighed desperately at her and put his head on her lap to caress him with both arms, while the other was feeling a strange relief that had not passed him since he was a child.

Gabriel: "I wish this hug would always remain".

Ellen very shyly: "Gabriel".

Gabriel: "MMM".

Ellen: "do this hashtag unless".

Gabriel: "don't worry, it won't hurt at all, anyway, we won't do this until I'm sure you won't get hurt ".

Elaine: "okay".

Alpha Gabriel and the human Alona حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن