Chapter 2

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In the palace he suddenly appeared in his room holding her in his hands, he felt his heartbeat for the first time in a long time looking at her and how she slept in his arms, he laid her body on the bed and looked at her black hair that was running down her back, her white round face, her small nose and pink lips.

Gabriel said: "Now I realize why I haven't found you so long, I didn't imagine that my companion is (human), and she is so vulnerable,"

He sighed and left the delinquent heading for his office, but stopped when he found his little sister Lisa, who had not yet completed her eighteenth year, heading towards him, he hugged her when she hugged him, it was he who raised her. Since the death of her father and mother at the hands of one of the Warriors.

Lisa rejoiced: "Brother, have you found your soul mate,"

Gabriel:" who told you".

Lisa: "everyone are talking about how you have found your soul mate, and she is human".

Gabriel: "yes, I found her because I have to go, I have work, go to your room, it's time to sleep.

He continued on his way to his office and immediately sat down until he entered a house and said.

Lucas: "Alpha, I did it".

Gabriel: "well, you can leave now ".

Lucas: "can I talk to you". Gabriel raised his blue eye. 

Lucas said:" What are you going to do, do I realize that your companion is human?!, And this has not happened for a long time! ".

Gabriel coldly: "I know, Lucas, now I understand why it took so long to find her, but this is what the goddess Sirin wants. she understands this very well, I will not object to her decision, I want the clairvoyant (Elise) to come.

Lucas said, " Why do you want her?"

Gabriel said coldly, " so that I know what will happen?"  you know that wolves have marriage customs, and I have to know what will happen if I do this with her and she is human, ".

Lucas stood up and left while Gabriel kept thinking about his companion, what did the goddess (Sirin)mean when she made his companion human and why!. Lucas returned an hour later with Ellis, who sat in front of him without speaking.
Gabriel coldly said: "You know why you are here,"  

Ellis: "yeah, I know".

Gabriel "what is your explanation for this".

Ellis"God (Sirin) chose you to be different,
the idea of having a human companion for a wolf is beginning to be forgotten by werewolves, although this has happened before, this idea has begun to disappear over the years, In this book, you will find in it all the information you need and do not worry, mating between a human and a werewolf will not pose a danger to her life".

Gabriel said: "Thank you, Alice, you can leave "
Lucas looked at Gabriel, who took the book that Ellis had given him.

Gabriel said coldly"You can go now,".

Victor: "what are you going to do!".

Gabriel: "What do you think".

Victor: "anything but do not refuse her, do you understand".

Gabriel: "I won't, I won't leave her no matter what, I've been waiting for her".

Victor: "what about marriage, would you do it if you made her your companion".

Gabriel: "I don't know, Victor, I don't know why am I without everyone?"!".

Victor: "that's now you are the only one who can protect your soulmate from everyone, that's why I chose you, the goddess Syren".

Gabriel said: "I will try to find a solution to all this, I will not let her get away from me and I will not let anyone hurt her, ".

Victor: "Do you expect to kiss me for being a wolf"

Gabriel: "she will when she realizes that you are the only one who will protect her and you won't hurt her, Don't worry, my friend".

Victor: "You're right, but I'm worried at the thought of her being afraid of me, she definitely won't do it with you, you're handsome and all the girls want you, but I'm too big, she'll be afraid of me".

Gabriel: "are you jealous".

Victor: "motherfucker, are you provoking me now because she won't be afraid of you, anyway, I'm your wolf, I'll stay with you, you won't be able to get rid of me."

Gabriel "Okay, Okay, I'll help you calm down a little.

Victor: "come on, get up and go to see her".

Gabriel" okay".

In Gabriel's ward, he entered Butti to find her still unconscious, put the book on the table, then took off his shirt to show his hard muscular chest, headed to the bathroom attached to his ward, came out after a while drying his hair but stopped when he found her had regained consciousness as she was trying to get up, threw the towel from his hand and went to her.

While she opened her eyes and looked around in surprise, what scared her was seeing Gabriel standing in front of her wearing only shorts, she retreated in a panic trying to find someone but found herself in a spacious, predominantly black room.

Gabriel very coldly " calm down, I won't hurt you ".

Ellen is crying, "who are you, where am I?"! Where is Eva ".

He sat on the sofa and signalled her to come, but she didn't do it, she couldn't do it out of fear, he sighed and got up because she was scared and that all this was terrifying to her, he sat next to her and stretched out his hand to her, she screamed in panic as she pulled his hand away before reaching her, grabbed her gently and pulled her until she was sitting on his lap.

Eileen "let me, please let me".

Gabriel calmly said in order not to be afraid of him: "shh, calm down, I won't hurt you, I just want us to talk so that you understand everything ".

Elaine "who are you I don't know you ".

He passed his hand over her cheek very gently, he had never done it before, it was always a hand that shed blood, whether in the form of humans or werewolves, but now it is that hand that walks tenderly on his cheek ،

Gabriel said: "I am Gabriel Ernesto, and you are my valued companion, "

Alpha Gabriel and the human Alona حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن