Chapter 3

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Gabriel said: "I am Gabriel Ernesto, and you are my valued companion, ".

Ellen didn't understand what he said,: "What do you mean, I don't understand,"

he sighed and tried to convey the situation to her simply.

Gabriel: "well, I'm not human, I'm a wolf, and you're my mate. Wolves find their mate when they're eighteen, but I didn't find you because you were in the human world.

Ellen: "are you kidding me, what do you mean, that's not true, you're a liar, you want to fool me, let me go".

He looked at her very coldly, he knew that she would not believe it until she saw him turn into a wolf, he got up and put her to bed and said coldly.
Gabriel: "now I'm going to turn into a wolf, don't be afraid".

He turned into a huge wolf that surpasses her in height, while she was looking at him in amazement as she saw him approaching her, she cried and closed her eyes violently after the Wolf approached her with his head, moved his head on her foot and looked like cats, she opened her eyes after a while and looked at him with fear from his proximity to her, time passed and he still sat next to her to be assured that he would not hurt her.

After she saw him finally encouraged and reached out her hand to pass her on his thick fur, which was black, the Wolf raised his eye to her and made a sound indicating his joy that she was not afraid of him, he rose and rushed towards her to flatten on the brushes while he was on top of her and began to pass his tongue on her face expressing his joy, she panicked at first, but soon her fear turned into laughter and fun, turned away from her and turned into his human form again, approached her, sat down and pulled her into his lap again as if he was addicted to this movement.

Gabriel "I saw you now believe, listen to me Well, you (my companion) and the Wolves never hurt their comrades, no matter what happens, the comrade is a precious treasure, they are jealous of everything and anything, you are with me in safety, so I want you to try to understand what is around you now because from this moment you will not be able to leave, this has become your home and this is your destiny".

Ellen, " why me?"! Has this ever happened to anyone other than me, I mean, I'm a human, and you're a werewolf ".
Gabriel " the goddess Sirin wants it, here who determines our companion is the goddess Sirin and she knows what is happening, I am here the alpha or in a sense that you can understand, I am the King, The King of this flock and you will be Alona, that is, the Queen".

Elaine " but I can't, I'm scared of this place, and I'm also weak, I think I'm going to be the weakest person in this place, how am I going to become the Queen for them ".

Gabriel very coldly: "don't worry, no one can hurt you from the herd, and you must realize that your strength comes from my strength, and I am the strongest member of this herd, and this means that you are the strongest member of my herd, Ellen you should know that we are the whole family of the herd, we consider each other a family".

Elaine shyly:" Well, but it means that I will never return to my homeland again, ".

Gabrielle " Elaine this has become your home from now on ".

She nodded to him, a sign of conciliation, kissed her forehead, then got up, and she is in his arms

Gabriel: "come on, we'll go eat, you're hungry".

Ellen innocently: "yes, a lot, Wait a minute, I don't know what your name is yet?"! "

Gabriel "I'm Gabriel, Elaine".

Ellen: "Your Name is really beautiful, but how
did you know my name?"

Gabriel: "from the bag you were carrying, I found some books with your name written on them.

He put her down on a large table in the kitchen, then went to the refrigerator to get her some food, the afterlife looked at him from behind as she saw him making food for her, and he returned to her carrying a plate with sandwiches and a glass of juice on it.

Gabriel: "come on, Eat until we go to bed tomorrow, I'll introduce you to the herd more".

Elaine :"okay".

He sat watching her while she was eating, and after she finished eating, he picked her up again and headed to his room, buried her firmly in his lap, while she did not object and this is what she did not understand because she feels safe and comfortable next to him, she raised her gaze from his chest to his face, he was so handsome maybe you had never seen a man in his handsomeness before.

Gabriel: "come on, go to sleep now and tomorrow you can look at my face all you want".

Ellen is innocently and shyly "sorry".

Gabriel :"don't apologize, do whatever you want, do you understand, I am yours, as you are mine ".

Elaine: "yours".

Gabriel: "yes, Elaine, tomorrow I will explain to you all the rules of the tribe and everything about my world, well, but now I want to sleep because I haven't slept for four days".

Her eyes widened in surprise and she almost started talking but stopped when she saw him he closed his eyes and went into a deep sleep.

The next morning I woke up when I felt cold , she was feeling warm all night as if she was sleeping in front of a fireplace, now she was sleeping with Gabriel, she opened her eye and looked around, she didn't find him next to her, she sat on the bed and rubbed her eyes to keep laziness away from her, she turned when she entered To find him standing with his tall stature and broad body, he was not wearing، Dressed in black cotton pants with his upper half naked, her eye stopped on those wounds that were filling his back, but what caught her attention was that mark that was in Black, a wolf raising his head high and around his thorns, as if it were a tattoo .

Alpha Gabriel and the human Alona حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن