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Joy pov

I walk inside the dorm where my members and I will sleep together since we are going to debut. I don't know who are my members. But, I got excited after know that I will debut without joining the survival show. This is the best day ever in my life.

I walk inside the dorm since I'm the only one in this dorm right now. I walk around the dorm. It's literally neat and clean also comfortable for me and my members later to stay. I smile widely.

Now, is time for me to wait for the others come. I can't wait to see them. Hehehe.


Author pov

Since her members are still not come here yet, she decide to take a nap on the floor in the living room because she was too tired right now. She already have audition before and practice for a long time. It is really tired for her.

After a few hours, she is still not wake up yet.


??? Pov

We all walk inside the dorm after arrived.

"Wah! The dorm like a family house. I like it!"

Sunoo said happily after see how our dorm was right now. Yeah. I can't denied. The dorm was so big and really comfortable to stay for. I'm so happy that we finally going to debut after a long time trainee period.

"Wah! I can cook happily after this in here!"

Jay said happily while looking inside the cabinet that was in the kitchen. I smile and shook my head after that.

"The bathroom is so big!"

Jungwon said impressively. He's cute.

"I'm going to look our room."

Our maknae, Niki said excitedly. I smile and nodded.

"Aghhh! There have make up room! I can do my skincare routine here after this."

Sunoo said excitedly after see inside the room where not far from where I am now. I know how much he likes to do his skincare routine everyday. I shook my head before I look at Jake who the only one standing straightly with Sunghoon where we should call as our living room. I walk towards them.

"What are you guys doing?"

I ask curiously.

"Look at there."

My eyes turn to where they point just now.

A figure laying on the floor. And it was... A girl?!


"What the heck?! How can you guys are my groupmate?! How can?! Ahhhh! This is so wrong!"

The girl said while walking left and right infront of me and my other members while we were sitting on the floor right now. She's got panicked after we woke up her just now from her nap.

"Can you just take a sit first? Calm down. You literally making me feel dizzy."

Sunoo said making the girl take a sit infront of us.


She said and smile awkwardly as she look away, avoid from eyecontacted with us. I can see how nervous she was right now because her hands literally shaking. Is she nervous with us?

She notice it too. She quickly hide her hands behind her,and again, there comes her awkward smile.

"I see that you guys just finish your show."

She asked. Open the conversation between us.

"Did you watch I-Land?"

Jake asked curiously to her. She smile and nodded excitedly.

"I know you! You are Jake right?"

She asked excitedly.

"Yes! I am!"

I can see they became friend after talking to each other like that. Then, her eyes land on me.

"and you are Heeseung sunbaenim."

She quickly stand up from her seat. We all watch what she is going to do.

"Kampangging sunggan!"

She started to imitate what happen in I-Land before. All of us laughed because of that, included her.

"Can you do one more?"

Niki request. She can't stop from laughing but still do it for him. And again, we laughed so hard because of how she's imitate me. She is so funny.

Looks like our life will going to be change after met her, Joy Kim.


Author pov

"Looks like we don't have any other room for me hmmm."

Joy said as she bite her nail.

"Hey, don't bite your nail. It's dangerous."

Park Jeongseong, or can called as Jay said before smash down her hand from her mouth😂. Joy glare at him as he glare at her too.

"Gosh! You two looks like a sibling right now."

Kim Seonwoo, or Sunoo said before giving them his disgusted face.

"Yeah. They also have almost same name. Jay and Joy."

Yang Jungwon, the same age boy as Joy start to tease them. Joy who heard that rolled her eyes.


She said before walk away leaving them dumbfounded.


Jay shook his head after she gone from their sight. The boys just watching them.


"So, we decide that you need to choose the bed first before us."

Lee Heeseung, the oldest in the group said to Joy when they were in the living room right now. Joy look at him frowned.

"Why can't I just ask for another room?"

"Do you want to sleep in the bathroom?"

Jay said to her making she glare at him.

"Look, he started again."

Joy point at Jay as she look at Heeseung while pouting. Yeah. She was complain to Heeseung about what Jay did to her. Heeseung pretend to be mad and glare Jay that now looking at him.

"Okey okey."

Jay rolled his eyes. Joy smile proudly after that. The other members just shook their head because of this two behavior.

Their life will not silent after this, because they have Joy Kim with them now.

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