Part 50 - Gift

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Warning: Kiss

Joy pov

How can I to face him again later?!

This is so embarrassing.

He literalky took MY FIRST KISS.

Never thought that he will be my first kiss. Cry cry cry ㅠㅠ

I was in our room right now thinking about how to face Jungwon normally like we used to before after what happen to us just now. Do you guys want to know what happen after that? Here...


My eyes open widely as he kiss me so passionately. I still can't believe that this boy is my first kiss!

A few minutes later, he pulled away without me kissing back him. He chuckled after see my face.

"Wow. Do you really like it till you can't say anything?"

He said with a smirk on his face. I look at him with wide eyes again before hits him with the small pillow that had on the couch before running away from him.

The end of flashback

That is how I ending up in here, in the room. I literally lock the door too so the boys can't come in while I'm still here. I don't care if they want to come in or not. As long I can stay alone for a moment now.

So what should I right now? I will get embarrassed if I come out from this room after this because I will meet him again. Cry cry cry again ㅠㅠ

Suddenly, I heard someone knocks the door.

"Joy? Are you in there? Please open the door."

I heard Jay's voice.


I was thinking how to answer it.

"I am changing my clothes right now!"

I shouted from inside.

"For 2 hours? Seriously, Joy? Please open the door, right now!"

Ahh i bet he got mad right now. I bite my lower lips. I got so nervous at the same time scare because Jay is outside. He might kill me after this ehek.

"Okey. Gives me 10 minutes more."

"Okey. If you don't open the door after that, I will broke this door so you can't wear your clothes anymore in the room."

I was shocking by his words but I keep myself calm after that. I take a deep breath to make myself calm. And exhale it slowly. I hope everything will be okey.

10 minutes passed...

He knocks the door again.

"Can you open the door now?"

I take a deep breath before slowly open the door. Then, I see Jay is not alone. There are another 6 boys standing behind him right now. I smile awkwardly at them.

"Seriously, what are you doing so long inside the room, Joy Kim?"

Sunoo ask me with his disgusted face. I give him my awkward smile as he rolled his eyes.

"You shouldn't lock the door. What if we want to change our clothes asap? Are you going to take responsible of it?"

Jake said with his serious tone. I can see how serious he is right now. I pouted. My smile already faded.

"I'm sorry. I promise I won't do that again."

"Yeah. We will forgive you but, we will give you a punishment."

Sunghoon spoke after being silence for a long time. I frowned.


"You need to give us a kiss one by one."

My eyes open widely after heard that. What the

I turn to Jungwon. He smirked. Is this his work?

"Can you changed another punishment? This is hard for me to accept it."

"Then, we will force you."

Heeseung suddenly walks towards me. I look at him with wide eyes. Are they really desperate on wanting my kiss?


The boys smile happily after heard that.

"So when we will start?"

Jake ask with his puppy smile.


Heeseung suddenly pulled me towards him by my waist, leaving me in shock. The other boys also shocked by that.

"Shall we start?"

He said with his lower voice. I look at Niki.

"Someone cover Niki's eyes first."

"Why me?"

Niki whined after heard that.

"Because you are still baby."

Jake quickly smack him down by his neck and pull him from the place where the others are right now.

As they gone from our sight, I turn to look at Heeseung back. He is waiting right now. I sighed.

I cupped his cheeks and pulls it fast as I give him a peck.

"Okey, next."


I push Heeseung away before move to the next person. Which is Jay.

"You can give me a peck on the che-"


"Oops. Mian."

Jay was stun to speak by the peck on his lips just now. Well, it's my personality. Just want to make everything done faster. Next, Sunghoon.

"I want it to be longer."

"As you wished."

But, I just give him a peck too.



I move to Sunoo. He gives me his cheeks. How cute. I smile before give a peck on her fluffy cheeks.


Another present for his cheeks as I pinched it. He smile happily after that.

"Jake! Niki!"

They come after I call them. I walk towards Jake and give a peck on his cheeks. He smile after that. Then, I give another peck cheeks on Niki's too.

"Okey done!"

"Yah! I'm here!"

Jungwon spoke after that.

"Nah. You already kiss me first."

After I said that, the boys look at him with shocked. Jungwon just smile awkwardly.

Everyone already got their gift by a girl that they love which is me.

And I hope that I can love them with fairly.

We live happily ever after, after that.

The end:))


This time is really end for the story. Sorry for the mistakes that I have made while writing this storg. Hopes you guys enjoy and... Have a lovely day today! Bye!

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