Part 20 - Cramp 2.0

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Jungwon pov

I was watching cute videos while we were resting from practice when suddenly I feels someone is sitting beside me. I turns and it's Joy who looks tired right now.

"Jungwonnie, can you give me that bottle?"

She ask as she point at her orange bottle. She's really loves orange color huh? I see... Without talking, I takes it and give it to its owner.


She said. I watch her. She is sweating a lot right now. While she was drinking, I can see how cool she is. Her neck is exposing and sweating a lot. My eyes open widely after that. I quickly looks away. What am I even thinking tho?! You're creepy, Jungwon!

I shook my head, remove those images from my head.

"Hey, you're okey, Jungwon?"

I snapped as Joy ask me. I looks at her direction. I can see how she looks at me weirdly right now. Well, that is it. Our sassy girl is doing her come back!

"Ah nothing! I think we should practice again."

I said before stand up from my seat and put my phone inside the bag. 

"Are you seriously okey? Because you looks red right now?"

I jump a little when hear her voice behind me. I'm red? 

"I'm red?"

I ask her to make sure. She nodded. I can see how serious she is. Oh no. I doomed.

"Yah! Joy Kim! You better faster before I rip your back!"

Suddenly, Jay hyeong interrupt us.


Joy sighed before looks at me.

"If you don't feel okey, you can rest. Don't get hard of yourself. Nah. Take this before that angry bird rip my back."

She said before give me her bottle and leave. I was dumbfounded. Is she thinks that I'm sick? 

Well, it's grateful tho. I watch her right now. She is fighting with Jay hyeong again. I don't know when they are going to stop. Can't denied, how suit they are. How I wish to be Jay hyeong...


Joy pov

"Jungwon hyeong, are you okey?!"

I hear Niki shout. I turns to where they are right now and see Jungwon is sitting on the ground while holding his ankle. Did he... sprained his ankle?!

I quickly run towards them and kneel in front of him.

"What happen?!"

I ask them worriedly. I can't hide it since I'm really worrying about him right now.

"I don't know, but it's cramp."

Jungwon said while winched in pain. Oh. Cramp. I thought it was sprain. Almost wants to kill myself.

"Owh. Let me helps you. Niki, sit behind him."

I said as Niki obeye with what I'm telling him. He sit behind Jungwon.

"And you Jungcat. Lean your back on his."

He frowned.


"Just do what I told ya."

I said as I push his shoulder not that harsh and not soft too.

"Straight your legs."

He just follow what I said. But, before I do something, my nose suddenly getting itchy.


I looks away before I sneeze loudly. Aigoo!

"Are you okey, Joy?"

Jungwon ask worriedly.

"Yeah I'm o- achoom!"

For second time, also looks away before sneeze. The hyoeng line walk towards us as they hear my sneeze.

"Are you okey, shortie? You're literally sneeze loudly, lose Jay."

Jake say as he patted my head. Well, it's already being his habits. Me and Jay give him a sharp glare. He chuckled because of that. I continue do my works as they watching what I'm doing right now.

I takes out my cramp spray bottle from my pocket. Actually, it's with a big bottle, but I use my dumb but intelligent mind to change its bottle so it's easy for me to bring it everywhere I goo, especially, while dance practice.

"Give me permission for this."

I said to Jungwon as he nodded. I rolled his pants up till under knees. I shakes the bottle first before spray it on all of his leg. After that, I smile.

I stand up from my knees and Jungwon looks at me confusedly.

"Done. Just wait till its feels like-"

"Ahhh cold!"

Jungwon groaned after that. I smile proudly.

"What did you put, Joy?"

Sunoo ask me as he takes the mini bottle from me.

"This is what we call as cramp medicine. Whenever I got cramp, I will use it. And it's going better."

I said with smile.

"It is really going better?"

Sunghoon ask as he looks at Jungwon who winched because how cold it was.

"Yes. Just wait for a minute for it to reduce the coldness."

I said.

After a few minutes, Jungwon stop from winched to a smile.

"It works!"

He said excitedly. I smile proudly again after that.

"Wow! I should buy it too after this!"

Niki said. I chuckled.

"You can just ask for me if you want. I have many at home."

I replied him.

"I want too, Joy!"

Sunoo interrupt.

"Me too me too."

Sunghoon too.

"Eyy. Don't forget about me."

Jake spoke.

"Of course, she won't forget about her other members. Right, Joy?"

Jay ask as he put his arm around my shoulder. I give him my disgusted face before it's change into smile.

'Yeah. Don't worry. I will give it to you guys."


Author pov

While they were happy right now, one of them just being silence. He can't forget about how quick Joy do her works just now. 

He heart stared to feel differently about Joy. And this time, he knows that he literally fall for her.

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