Part 7 - Cramp

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Joy pov

I woke up feeling unwell on my stomach. I don't know why I feel this. But, it's like something is going happen. Did I on my month right now?

Everyone already woke up, to get ready before going to work. But, here I am, still laying on the bed while hugging my cutie pie stomach. No one are still notice me till...

"Where is Joy?"

I heard Jake suddenly asked about me.

"I don't know. Isn't she in the room?"

I heard Sunoo's voice. Then, they come inside the room. Aghh! Too lazy to talk right now.

"Did you guys have woke her up?"

Jake asked. Well, yeah. I close my eyes actually. That's why they think I'm still sleeping.

"She always the one who woke up first."

I heard Sunoo said sarcastically. Aish this boy. Then, I feel someone was standing beside my bed. I feel someone touch my arm.


Jake shaking my hand softly to wake me up. I open my eyes slowly and see him looking at me.


I just humming as I'm hugging my stomach.

"Yah! You little! Wake up now!"

Then, Sunoo suddenly pulled me to sit up making me open my eyes widely. It's not because I'm shock. It is because I feel a stink on my stomach right now.


I scream more loudly while hugging my stomach. This is my worst morning day ever in my life.


Author pov

The boys got worried after heard Joy's scream. They all quickly running inside the room just to see Jake and Sunoo who are watching Joy who was screaming like in pain right now on her bed while hugging her stomach.

"What's happen?!"

Heeseung asked worriedly to Jake and Sunoo. We can see that Sunoo and Jake also worry about what happen to Joy right now.

"We don't know! I just pull her to wake up then she started to crying right now."

Sunoo said as he can see Joy's tear that fall down from eyes. This is his first time seeing her cry. Also, the boys. Jay who was standing beside Sunghoon right now already standing beside Joy's bed.

"Hey, Joy! Can you hear me?"

Jay asked. Joy who heard that just nodded. She can't say since the pain surrounded her body right now.

"Are you okey?"

He asked making Sunoo who stand beside him push him a little.

"How can you ask her like that if you can see her right now?"

Sunoo said sarcastically but still in worry about Joy. Jay rolled his eyes before look at Joy who still hugging her stomach right now.

"Is your stomach hurts?"

He asked. The girl keep biting her low lips before nodded her head.

"Where is that pain?"

He asked as he touch her stomach. Joy flinched after being touch by Jay. It's sudden touch but still covered by her shirt.

"A-at here..."

She said as she point on her under stomach.


Jay asked. The boys just watching what happen since they don't know what to do. Joy just nodded.

"You are in your month?"

Ths boys frowned after heard that word. Your month? What does is he mean?

Joy look at him with her teary eyes.


Then her tears come down again since the pain still hovering her stomach.

"Ahh... Okey okey. Don't cry. I will tell the manager to buy you a painkiller. You should eat first before eat the painkiller and get rest okey?"

Jay talking like he was mom of Joy. Joy just nodded. She wipe her tears before slowly sit up from her lay. The boys watching. They can see how pale her face was right now.


"Hyeong, what do you mean by your month just now?"

Niki asked the question since he didn't know his meaning. Jay was cooking for Joy a soup right now.

"It's period, Niki."

Then, Niki's eyes open widely after heard that.

"Joy noona... Joy noona on her period?"

He asked him again. Jay just shrugged his shoulder.


Niki pouted. Then, he turn to Jungwon who just walk in the kitchen right now.

"Jungwon. How's Joy?"

Jay asked as he saw him.

"Still in pain. Did hyeong really already call the manager?"

Jungwon asked him. Jay nodded.

"He said he will come for 12 minutes."

At the same time, the bell rang.

"Oh there he is. I will take the painkiller."

Jungwon said. Jay just nodded.

Niki just watch them. He is still young, don't know how to react the situation right now.

"How's Joy?"

They heard their manager talking.

"She woke up feeling a pain on her stomach. Right now, she was laying on her bed while hugging her stomach. I don't know but I bet she have a cramp."

Jungwon telling him the detail.

"Ahh i see. Okey, don't forget to let her rest well. The girl if come on their months, they need a really good rest. So yeah. Let her be."

The manager give the advice to Jungwon. Jungwon just nodded and smile before goodbye to him as he walk inside the kitchen.

"Looks like the manager knows well about Joy."

Jay said. Jungwon shrugged his shoulder before put the plastic of painkillers on the table. Niki take it and look on it carefully.

"Wah. This is so hard to be a girl. They need to eat a painkiller when they were on cramp. Poor them."

Niki said making Jungwon and Jay look at each other. They hold their smile before look away as they shook their head.

Niki was young right now. They bet that he will know more about this thing later.

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