Part 14 - Diet Pt. 2

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Joy pov

I woke up feeling pain on my stomach, and also my head. What happen?

I look around. This is unusual room. Is this medical room? And... I look on my back hand. Since when this thing digged inside me?!


"Joy! You wake up!"

I look at my side as I heard a familiar voice. It is Heeseung.

"What happen?"

I asked him confusely. He sighed.

"You fainted just now after practicing."

Me? Fainted? I haven't feel that way before.

And I feel a pain on my stomach.


I groaned. Heeseung expression changed to worry after heard I'm groaning.

"Why? Is your stomach hurt again?"

I nodded a little.

"Wait a minute. The other members will come bring a food for you. Just wait."

I look at him. I feel bad for burdened them. I am such a useless.

After a few minutes, we heard the door opened.

"Hyeong, we already- Joy!"

Sunoo running inside the medical room after saw me concious already. I smile although I was in pain right now.


I greet him. Then, I got a soft hit from him.

"Why you didn't eat for 2 days huh?"

He asked while his hands on his waist. I look at him frowned.

"Since when I didn't eat?"

I asked him confusely.

"You literally fainted because you didn't eat, girl. What will I do right now with you?"

I open my eyes widely after heard Sunoo said that. Seriously? They think that I didn't eat anything?

"I have... But, a little-"

"Why you eat a little? Didn't I already told you before to eat?"

Now, it's Jake turn. I look at him as he glare at me sharply making me nervous.

"Eyy... Stop mad at noona. She is sick right now. Can't you guys see how her condition is?"

Niki quickly defend me after see his hyeongs started to mad at me. I pouted and show cute face to Niki.

"Yeah. You guys should heard what Niki said. I'm sick. You guys shouldn't let your anger out while I'm sick. Or it will be getting worse."

I said.

"Tsk. Dramatic."

I heard Jay say that. I stick out my tongue to him but got stop when I feel the pain again on my stomach.

"You should eat now, Joy."

Jungwon put something on the table after notice it. I nodded slowly.

"Thank you."

I said weakly.

"Let me help you."

Sunghoon said as he open the thing that Jungwon put just now. It is porridge. Well, a smell is not bad.

"Thank you, Sunghoon hyeong."

He just nodded. I slowly take a spoon to try take a bite on the porridge. But, looks like the pain really don't want me to eat something right now. I pouted because of the pain. The boys who in there sighed.

"Let me help you."

Heeseung said as he take the spoon from my hand and the porridge before he feed me slowly after let it cold for a moment.


"How is it?"

Jungwon asked me. I look at him and give him a thumb. He smile after that.

"You better finish it or I will make you finish it by myself."

Sunoo give me a warning.

"By yourself? Like what?"

I asked him confusely. The other boys look at him too.

"Something that you don't want to."

I open my eyes widely after see he smirked. Does he mean... Eyyyyy. Don't be a dirty mind, Joy!

I rolled my eyes after that and continued eat as Heeseung feed me. I'm enjoying eating the porridge. I feel someone is staring at me right now.

But,who cares? As long I can eat this porridge peacefully.


Time skip

"Yah, Joy Kim ! Come eat!"

I heard Jay shouted from outside of the room. I groaned lazily before go down from my bed and walk towards the door lazily. I open it revealed Jay who already crossed his arms on his chest.

"You should eat or you will got a same thing like just now."

I rolled my eyes.

"Girl, attitude."

"Okey. Fine fine. Sorry. Let's go eat now."

Then, he walk away after that. I stick out my tongue when he can't see me anymore.

"Joy Joy. How childish you are."

I turn to where the voice come. It is Park Sunghoon. He is crossing his arms while looking at me. I can't denied, he looks kinda attractive with that loose tshirt that he wear right now.

I quickly look away as I can feel my heart started to beat faster.

"Well, that is my original personality. Bye! Wants to eat."

I then run away from the place. Yeah. To avoid myself from talking with him for a long time. Actually, I notice something is not right with him. He was staring at me just now while I was eating porridge. And it's kinda make my heart flutter for a moment. But, I just pretending that I don't know although inside me was about to explode. Yeah. Like I said before, fluttered.

I don't know but yeah. Okey. Now don't care about the things. Let's eat before Mom Jay come and mad at me again like just now ehek.

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