Part 40 - Confessed

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Heeseung pov

I am watching Joy who is playing with her baby sisters right now in the living room while me, sitting on the couch. Sometimes, I laugh after see the funny scene of them. Never denied how cute they are, mostly Joy. She's really good with children.

It makes me thinking about how ia she will taking care of our child. Oops... Just kidding.

A few minutes later, I feel someone is sitting beside me. It is none than Joy.

"Are you done?"

I ask her. She looks at me and smile.

"Yeah. You didn't notice it then because you are busy staring at me for a long time, am I right?"

I got speechless by that. Feels my cheeks started to burn. I bet my face is red right now.

Then, I heard she's laugh.

"Yah! Don't be serious. I'm just kidding okey."

Then, she laugh again. I stare at her sharply after that. After a few seconds, she did the same thing. We started a staring contest right now. But, then she laughed again.

"Aigo. I can't play this kind of game."

I laugh along with her. She is very cheeky and easy to laugh whenever she founds it funny. That's why I like her, because of her crazy personality.

"Excuse me. Give me some place, please!"

Suddenly, someone interrupts us. It is Sunoo. He is now sitting between me and Joy. I look at him with disgusted face, meanwhile him sitting sassily beside me and act like there's nothing happen.

"Hey, Joy ! Don't you know that I have buy new plushie?"

Joy looks at Sunoo excitedly.

"Jinjja?! I want to take a look of it, please?"

"Let's go then."

They leave together, leaving me dumbfounded. They literally act like I was not with them that time. That was hurt. Kidding. I hope that she will give her attention towards me more just like how she did to Sunoo. It's different with me.

I pouted while waiting for them to comeback. Instead of them, Jungwon sits beside me.

"Where is Joy and Sunoo hyeong?"

He ask about the girl.

"She follows Sunoo to look for his new plushie."

Jungwon then sighed make me look at him weirdly.

"Wae, Jungwon ? Is there anything happen?"

I ask him as I can see how desperate he was right now. Like there is something bothering him. He just shooks his head.

"It's nothing, hyeong. I'm going to the kitchen. Want to know what Jay hyeong is doing right now."

I nodded. He stands up from his seat and walks away. I just watch him till he gone from my sight. I notice it. He is looking... Jealous? Of course, who doesn't when their favourite girl is talking with other boy? I also feel the same thing when I saw Joy talks with other members. That is.

"Oppa... Where is Joy eunnie?"

I turn my head when I feel someone touch my knee and see one of Joy's sister is standing in front of me and looking at me. She has beautiful eyes, just like her sister's. I smile.

"She is with Sunoo oppa, Hana."

I said before I slowly pick up her and put on my laps.

"Is Joy eunnie and Sunoo oppa dating?"

Her question makes my heart stop from beating.

"Why did you say that?"

"Because she looks happier when with Sunoo oppa then the others. Is she dating with him?"

Again, Hana ask me as she looks at me with those big eyes. I can't denied, I'm hurting right now. But, I keep myself smile, for her.

"It's not, Hana. She is not. They are just friend."

I said.

"But, I just saw that she kiss him on his cheeks just now."

I turn to Della who is looking at me right now.

"She did?"

Niki interrupt us after that. Della just nodded her head.

"She kiss Sunoo oppa on his cheeks just now in the room. I can see it."

Everyone in the living room heard that. They also get speechless after heard that from Della. Does that mean... We don't have a chance? My heart started to break. Are they dating secretly? How dare they are for not telling us about it?

At the same time, the two people that we just talk about just now walki g out from the room while laughing. I can see how happy she was Sunoo. Is it true? Then, they notice, something different surround them. They look at all members who are looking at them, included me.

"Why are you guys looking at us like that?"

Joy ask us confusedly. She don't get what happen right now.

"Joy, tell us the truth."

Suddenly, Jungwon spoke makes Joy turns her head to him. She frowned.

"About what?"

She ask confusedly.

"Are you dating with Sunoo?"

Sunghoon continued talks after that. Joy and Sunoo look at each other before look at the boys back.

"Why did you guys say that?"

Sunoo ask us, also confusedly.

"Della said that Joy is kissing you on your cheeks. Is that true?"

Jake ask him too with his serious face.

"Ahhh... I see... Well, that is not what you guys thinking-"

"Then, what?"

Jay interrupt and crossed his arms on his chest.

"Sunoo hyeong gives me his one of the plushies, so I give him rewards too by kiss his cheeks. That's why."

Joy spoke after that.

"Don't you know that is wrong?"

Sunghoon ask then.

"Why would you say that?"

"You just literally kiss someone who also like you."

Jungwon said. Then, something hits her makes she turn to Sunoo as he also looks at her.

"Ahh, you guys are right. And I think I already get ready to answer your question."

She said make all of us look at each other confusedly.

"What do you mean?"

I ask her. Joy looks at me and smile.

"I will say this. I know this is looks unbelievable. But, I'm going to say this."

She stopped for a moment. She makes everyone is waiting.

"Come on, Joy. What is it?"

Jake ask unpatiently. Joy smile.

"I think I like you all. No, one person, but you all."

She said sincerely makes everyone in the house speechless.


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