Part 33 - Confession

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??? Pov

I have to do this. It's my own goods.


I called her as I saw her walks through the hallway of Hybe building right now.

"Not now, Sunghoon hyeong. I had something to do."

"Just give me a moment."

"Tell me later. I'm sorry, Sunghoon hyeong."

After that, she left me disappointed. It's okey. I will tell her later at home.


Time skip

"I'm home."

"Welcome home, Joy!"

I greet her. I can see how exhausted she was that makes me a little worry about what I'm going to say to her after this. She just smile tiredly at me before walks passed me.

"Joy, I had something to say-"

"Can we talk about it tomorrow, hyeong? I'm sorry. But, I'm a little tired."

After heard that, my lips zipped. I don't know what to say. Just nodded and smile, letting her go to rest. Maybe tomorrow, I will tell her about it, again...


The next day...

"Good morning, Jo-"

"Good morning, too!"

I look at her from head to toe. Where is she going?

"Where are you going?"

I asked her.

"Want to meet my friends. It's been a long time."

She said excitedly. Then, she looks at me. Can't denied, she looks pretty with that hairband on her head and white shirts and blue jeans that she wears right now. It's really suit with her bubbly personality.

"How do I look?"

She asked me with a wide smile. I smile back.

"You look pretty."

I said with honest. Then, her expression changed into disgusted face.

"You're liar."

She said. I frowned.

"Hahaha. Just kidding! Thanks! I have to go now! Bye!"



Again and again. She said later. When I will tell her about this? About this feelings?


Joy pov

I just got home after spending my time with my friends. After a long time, we finally met. And I really had a good time with them. I walk inside the house just greet by a dark dorm.

Are they not at home yet?

I look at the watch. It's already 10 p.m. They must be stay at the building right now. I just shook my head and put my shoes on the shelf when suddenly, the light opened. I look up shockedly.

"Where have you been, Joy Kim?"

I flinched after heard a voice spoke not far from where I am right now. I sighed relief after see who it is.

It is Sunghoon. Why did he sit in the dark?

"You almost make my heart drop."

I said while chuckling and walks towards him. But, there is unusual about him. He is not even smile like he always do to me so. And.. He is look... A little mad?

"Hey, what happen?"

I asked him back again.

"Where have you been just now?"

"Didn't I told you before? That I'm meeting my friend just now?"

I remembered that I told him about it. Did he already forgot?

"Why did you come home late?"

He asked me again. Yes. He poker face will never leave him.

"spending my time with my friends?"

"Till night?"

I nodded and look at him weirdly. It's a little weird.

"Did you already know that girl like you can't go home late at this time?"

I frowned after heard that. If she can't, why did she come home late before, after dance practice? It's really weird.

"Are you okey, Sunghoon hyeong ?"

"Can you just answer my question, Joy Kim?"

He literally say my full name many times, showing that he is really mad right now. What's wrong? I shouldn't be fire then.

"Yeah. I know."

I said and look down on my feet.

"Then, why did you come home late?"

He asked the same question makes me look up at him and frowned.

"I already told you that I'm spending my time with my friends. How many times do I have to tell you about it?"

"Till you finally give me a time to talk about just now."

I frowned, then I remember... He wants to say something since yesterday, but I keep avoid to hear about it. Is that why he looks mad right now?

"Oh. Is this about that you want to talk with me just now?"

After I said that, I can tell that he said yes with his eyes. I smile then.

"Okey then. Tell me what is it. I'm hearing."

Finally, I give up for it. He already waiting for it. So why don't we heard about what he wants to say.

"I like you."

My heart stop beating after heard those words. My eyes look at him and can see how serious he is. My eyes open widely.

"W-what did you say?"

"I like you. Is that clear?"

He said it again. My knees feel weak out of sudden. It's really shocking news. One of my members literally confese his feelings towards me. Is that real?

"Are you sure about it? Did you really sure?"

I asked him again and again. And same answer, he just nodded. Wow. I think I lost my mind right now.

"I think..."

"Just take your time. I will not force you to accept my confession. It's just to release it from my heart. Now I already say it. The burden is gone."

Yeah. The burden is gone, because it's on me now. Why should I do?

What if the other members know about this? What are their reaction after know Sunghoon confess his feelings towards me? Ahhhhhh... This is crazy!


Ommo it's already started.

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