Part 9 - Two Faces

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Joy pov

We are in the HYBE building right now because our manager suddenly called us to come immediately to the building. We all got nervous because of the sudden called by him.

"Why manager-nim call us, hmm?"

Sunoo suddenly asked us when we all walk inside the room where we will meet with our manager after this. We all shrugged our shoulder.

"Ugh. I want to go to the toilet."

I said making Niki look at me.

"Do you want me to accompany you?"

After heard what he said, me and sunoo look at him with disgusted face.

"Eww, Niki. Why should you accompany her? She is a girl after all."

He said while giving him his disgusted face. Niki rolled his eyes.

"It is not like I'm not doing it when we were at home before."

He said making me look at him unbelievable.

At the same time, the manager and the other staff come inside the room. My heart started beating fastly after see there have many staff included the manager-nim inside the room. Yes. I am not really into the crowded place.

My hands started to shake hardly. I've got nervous too much right now. Aish, this hands!

I quickly hide it under the table so the others can't see it.

"So, today, we'll going to choose who will to be a leader of the group."

Everyone in the room clap their hands and uwu the manager about what he told just now. I smile fakely as I try my best to hide my shaken hands. Also, my legs. Yeah. It's shaken too. It is my first time feeling like this. How can it be shaken too much like this?

"So we will choose them by answering this questions."

The questions sheets have been given by the staff. I look at the questions infront of me. The question is not that hard. Just only tick who are the best on something something, like that. Ehem. I can do it!

At least my hands started to less shake. Niki give me the pen. I just told him to put it on the paper as he do it. Then, we heard the instruction that been given by the manager before everyone started to answer the sheets.

I slowly take the pen when suddenly, Sunoo spoke.

"Are you okey, Joy?"

He whispering beside me. I look at him and give my fake smile. Then, I can feel he patted my back softly.

"It's okey. If you need anything, don't be shy to ask me."

He whispered again to me making me less nervous. I give him at least a little sincere smile.

Thanks to him that my hands start to shake less than before. Huhu. Thank you, Sunoo~shi !

Everyone are busy answering the questions, so no one notice us.

After a few minutes, finally the time stopped. We already giving back the question sheets to the staff that were inside the room with us right now.

"I'm going to the toilet right now."

I whispered to Sunoo.

"Okey, take care."

He said as I nodded. I stand up and everyone look at my place.

"Where are you going, Joy?"

Jungwon asked me.

"To the toilet."

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