Part 38 - Video Call

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Sunoo pov

Why she do that?

Why did she left us?

It's already passed three months, but she never comeback after the day that she left. She really left us. Is she didn't care about us anymore?

I sighed after remembering that.

"Are you still thinking about her, Sunoo?"

I jumped a little when someone spoke from behind me. I turn around just to see Heeseung hyeong who is now standing in front of me with his both hands inside his pant's pockets. I sighed again.

"It is not that easy to forget about her, hyeong."

I said.

"I know. But, we can't be like this. If she knows about this, she will be sad."

"She did? But, why she left us? Why did she left us if she didn't want to make us sad, hyeong?"

"I don't know. Maybe she had her own reason, why she left us."

Heeseung hyeong said. I look down on my feet. He is true. She must had her own reason. But, what is her reason?


We both stop talking when suddenly someone spoke. We turn and see Jungwon is walking towards us right now.


"Pdnim wants to meet us now."

Heeseung hyeong and I look at each other before nodded.

"Let's go then."

Heeseung hyeong said as he tapped Jungwon's shoulder with his hand. Then, we both follow him from behind.


Time skip

Author pov

The boys now are standing in front of their pdnim straightly. Meanwhile the pdnim is looking at them one by one.

"It's been a long time since I have met you before. How are you guys?"

Pdnim is trying to be warmly with them. The boys just smile awkwardly.

"We all are fine, pdnim."

Jungwon answers it for them. They all nodded. Pdnim smile understand.

"I know how you guys feel after Joy left the group."

After heard that, everyone looks at each other then look down on their feet.

"Why did she do that, pdnim?"

Niki who is now looking at their pdnim, asked bravely at him. Bang pd saw it, that the boys are trying to keep themselves not to cry. He can saw it. He sighed.

"She had her own reason why she left the group."

"Looks like, you know why is the reason she left the group, pdnim."

Pdnim got stunned to speak when Jungwon spoke. He looks at him then look at the boys back who already look at him. He keeps himself not to be nervous. But, why should he be nervous? He knows about it. There's nothing to be a secret.

"Yes. I know the reason why she left the group. But, before I told you guys about it. I want to share with you guys about something."

He said before takes out his phone from the drawer on his table before show it to the boys. The boys glued their eyes on his phone after see the screen. It's Joy Kim.

"Hello, guys!"

They eyes open widely after heard she talks.

"Joy Kim!"

Jake excitedly takes the phone from Pdnim's hand. Pdnim just watches them because he knows that the boys are missing her.

"How have you guys been? Did you guys have your lunch just now?"

She asked them with her wide smile although inside her only she knows.

"Why did you left us, Joy ah ? We can't live without you!"

Sunoo started to cry after he finally sees Joy in the phone. It's shocking for Joy to see him cry. It is not first time but it still shocking for her.

"Aghhh... Don't cry, Sunoo ah! I'm sorry!"

"When will you come back here? We miss you, noona!"

Niki said, also crying. Joy can't handle her tears as it falls from her eyes.

"Guys, don't put a pressure on her. Like pdnim said, she had her own reason. Let's understand with what she did."

Heeseung started to speak after being silence for a long time. He can see that Joy is wiping her tears right now in the other side. He don't likes to see her cry. Because it will make him wanna cry too.

"I'm sorry, guys. Leaving without notice. But, I hope you guys have fun without me at there."

"How can we have fun when you literally out of our sight, Joy ah?"

Sunghoon finally spoke. Joy looks at him and wipes her tears again.

"When will you come back, Joy ah?"

Jay too. Joy looks at the boys face one.

"I'm sorry, guys. But, I can't."

She said.


Sunoo ask her back as he wipes his tears too. Jake patted his back to comfort him although he also wants to cry.



Joy got cutted when there are voices shouted from the other side. And there appeared two little girls come and hugs her.

"when we will going to the park, eonnie? I am bored."

One little girl said while pouting. The boys were stunned to speak after see that. She with her little sister right now. Joy quickly wipes her tears and nodded with a smile in front of her siblings.

"Yeah. We will go after this."

Then, she looks on the camera and smile.

"I left the group, because I want to take care of my little sisters from now. Because I want to see they are growing in front of my eyes."

She said with a bright smile on her face. The boys can see how sincerely she was while talking about it. And they know that they never can stop her from what she wants to. Because how stubborn she was. They finally understand why she left the group.

"if you say so, I approve you to do that."

Heeseung said and smile widely although inside him is crying right now. But, he can't show it. The boys nodded agreed with the oldest said. Joy smile.

"Thank you for understand me. I promise, that I will come to visit you guys, later."

She said.

"You will visit us? When is it? I need to set the time so we can prepare once you come here."

Sunoo said funnily makes Joy laugh.

"I don't know. But, I will come."

She said with a big smile.

After a long time, this is another part of the story... Okey hehehe

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