Part 21 - Another New Member

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Joy pov

Me and other members are waiting for pdnim inside the room where we always come whenever we have meeting. Then, pdnim is calling us to come to this room.

I'm curious about what is he going to talk about.

After a few minutes, he is finally here! We all stand up from our seats to greet him. But, our forehead frowned after see a girl follow him from his back. Is she pdnim's daughter? And it's really impossible because my appa told me that he is not marry yet. How can he has a daughter now? 

I'm blushed after thinking about it. Dirty mind, dirty mind~

"I'm calling you guys here because I wants to introduce you guys, a new member for your group,  Anne Kim."

Our eyes open widely after heard that. New member?! How can?!

 We all turn our eyes on a girl who keeps smiling on us. It's so bright and I can see how cute she is.

"Hello! My name is Anne Kim. I am born at 2004 and from America. Please take care of me after this."

After that, she bowed to us. How polite she is. I already like her. At least I have a friend for gossips about my members later. Hehehe.

"Hey. Why are you smiling like that? It's might scare her, tho."

Sunoo whispered to me. I smile to him.

"We will have a new bish that will join our team later."

I whispered to him back. He shows me his disgusted face. I just smile. As long I have anew bestie for now and we are in a same age. You are my destiny~


Author pov

They got home after that with their new member, Anne Kim.

"Welcome to our home, Anne!"

I excitedly welcome her into this house. She just give me a smile before bow again.

"Thanks for accepting me as your new members."

She said as she looks at the boys. The boys just nodded their head.

"Let's go, Anne! I will show you our room where you are going to sleep later."

Then, Joy pulls Anne's hand with her. Meanwhile the boys...

"Looks like she got a new bestie now."

Jake said while sighed. Never thought that this would happen, and the last thing is he feels sad because Joy didn't give him attention like always before because she keeps talking with the new girl.

"Yeah. At least, she have a friend to talk."

Heeseung continued his words.

"Are we not her friends?"

Jay ask with his one eyebrow lifted. Heeseung got nervous.

"I means, about girls thing. She might get uncomfortable if she talks about her girl things to us. That's what I means."

The boys understand after heard his explanation.

"We should look for them now before there are something happen."

Sunghoon interrupt them. They agreed.


Sunoo is watching the two girls who are sitting on the floor while he is sitting on the couch. The girls are watching cute videos from Joy's phone. Sunoo is kinda jealous right now because Joy is more enjoying her time with the new girl. What about him?

He sighed before stand up from his seat, making the two girls are looking at him.


Sunoo got annoy by that's looks. The girls shrugged their shoulder after that before continued what they were doing just now.

Sunoo groaned frustratedly before leave them who is ignoring him right now.

"How dare you, Joy? How can you spend more time with that new kids? You guys just knows each other just now, but looks like you guys know each other for a long time. Tsk!"

Sunoo talks to himself with his lower voice as he walks towards the kitchen where the other boys are also at there.

"Eyyy. what's with that sour face?"

Jake ask as he give Sunoo a space to sit with him. Sunoo pouted after that.

"It is because of Joy with that new girl?"

Jungwon restatement what he is thinking about right now. Well, Sunoo from living room just now. Of course about them because they were at there.

"How can she push me away?"

Sunoo looks disappointed right now because Joy didn't invite him to join with them. Looks like she is more fun with the new girl. 

He decide that he will ignore her, to see if she still cares about him or not? Let's do it!


It's already passed 5 days now.

Also, Joy realised that she didn't spending her time with the other boys because she keeps on take care for Anne since the pdnim told her to do that so.

She is in the room right now. She don't knows where the new girl is. It's already 30 minutes after she walks out from this room. Where is she?

But, for now, she was thinking about the boys. What are they doing right now?

She walks down from her bunk bed before walks the door that already opened, just to see the boys are sitting on the couch and floor just watching a movie. And there, she see Anne who is sitting between the boys right now. Beside her is Jungwon and Sunghoon.

She can tell that Sunghoon is uncomfortable. Just from his expression. It's tell her everything. Joy smile and shook head after see that. She think she shouldn't disturb them for now.

She was about to go back inside the room when...

"Joy noona!"

She turns around and see all eyes are on her. What the-? She looks at Niki and smile nervously.

"Why, Niki-san?"

She ask.

"Come and join us!"

He said while smiling. Before she answer it, she looks at Anne. She give me a looks where Joy can't describe. What's with that looks?

"Maybe, next time."

She said and walks inside the room without letting Niki say his words. It is just because, something different about Anne just now that makes Joy feels a little uncomfortable.

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