Part 13 - Diet

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Author pov

"Thank you, Jungwon!"

Joy said it to Jungwon as they walk inside their house. Jungwon smiled.

"You're welcome. If you want to go at there again, just tell me okey?"

He said making the girl nodded happily.

"We home!"

Then, she shouted as they take off their shoes.

"Finally, where have you guys been huh? You know how much I'm worry about you guys right now?"

Sunoo come out from the living room to greet the two maknaes that just got home.

Joy smile.

"Eyyy, don't be mad, Sunoo hyeong ahh! We're okey. We just go to the cafe."

Joy said straightly. He frowned.


He then look at Jungwon who is smiling right now. He nodded, as agreed with what she said.

Then, Sunoo look at her back.

"Well, I want to get shower now. Bye!"

She then run away from Sunoo before he could say anything.

"Aish, this girl!"

He look at Jungwon after that. Jungwon patted his shoulder before walk pass him.


He shouted as he pouted after that.


Time skip

"Joy, do you want anything?"

Jake asked when they were sitting together on the couch. Jake was ordering some delivery foods for him and the other boys. Joy shook her head.

"Nah. It's okey. I'm on dieting."

She said making Jake look at her frowned. She was busy with her phone, didn't notice that Jake is looking at her right now.

But, after a few seconds, she feels someone looking at her. She turn to Jake who still with his expression.

"Wae, man?"

She asked while chuckling. She can't help with his effortless expression. It's hit me. How funny he is that time.

"You look thin, how can you said you on diet?"

He asked her as he can't believe what she said just now. Joy shrugged her shoulder as her eyes focus on her phone back.

"You saw me thin right noe, but my weight saying otherwise."

She said. Jake frowned more.

"How much your weight?"


"Yah! It's still light!"

Jake said unbelievable to Joy. Joy shook her head.

"It's heavy okey?"

"Then let me piggyback you!"

She look at Jake frowned after that.


"I can't when Heeseung hyeong suddenly pulled Jay hyeong while practicing just now."

Niki laughed so hard after remember about what happen while they were practicing. Sunoo join it. They both laughed so hard while Jungwon just shook his head. They all walk to the living room and got stopped after see something that they can't describe.

"I already said that I'm heavy man!"

Joy said while laughing.

"No. You are light okey?"

Then they both got stopped after seeing the other members are watching them.

"Oh, hey guys!"

They both greet them together before they continued.

"You can put me back, bruh!"

Joy said to Jake with her Aussie accent that she have been learn by Jake.

"Nah. I already told you that you are light. So you need to eat something to make you heavy."

"What's going on here?"

Heeseung asked confusely about what happen right now.

"Joy don't want to eat because she said that she was on diet."

"I already said that right."

They started to bicker again. Jay started to massage his temple already because of them.

"Is it because of the comments yesterday?"

After Sunghoon said that, they both stop from bickering. All members look at Joy who literally looking down right now before look at them back with a smile.

"Haha. It is not. I just want to diet because I feel I'm a little heavy right now."

She said and slowly get down from Jake's back.

"Are you sure? You looks unsure."

Heeseung said. Joy smile again and nodded.

"Yeah. Don't worry about me. I will be in the room if you guys want anything."

After that, she quickly run to their room. The boys look at each other after that.


2 days later...

Jay pov

We are practicing right now. We already practicing for almost 3 hours now without rest. And I notice something wrong with Joy right now. She's literally dancing weakly. Is she okey? I can see how pale she was right now.

"Hyeong, did you notice Joy?"

Suddenly, Niki said something to me.

"About what?"

I pretending don't know what he wants to say.

"Looks like she's on pain right now."

I then look at Joy who now still practicing. I can see how her face expression. It's looks like holding in pain. I can see her face crunched like she was in pain, means she's in pain right now.

"Take a rest for 5 minutes."

Our trainer said. At the same time, we heard a thud sounds.


We turn to where Joy was right now. We can see Joy was laying on the group unconscious with Sunoo beside her.

"Bring her to medical room now!"

Our trainer said.

Heeseung hyeong who now is more closer with them quickly pick up Joy with bridal style.

"Let's go."

Then, they running out from the practice room.


After Joy got send to the medical room, we continued practicing without she, Heeseung hyeong and Sunoo because they were with her.

After finished practice, we decide to pay a visit for her. As we arrived right infront of the medical room, Jungwon knocked the door.

"Come in."

We all walk inside the room and just to see Sunoo and Heeseung hyeong who was sitting side of the bed while Joy is still unconscious on her bed.

"What happen to her?"

Jungwon asked curiously. I can see how worry he was, just like the others too.

Heeseung hyeong sighed.

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