Part 26- Discharged

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"My dorm, sweet dorm! Welcome back, Joy!"

Joy said with herself excitedly after got inside the dorm. Heeseung and Jay are the one who take you from the hospital shook their head because of your behavior. No changes.

Joy quickly runs towards living room.

"Ommo! My beloved couch! How are you doing?! You too, my beloved tv?! I miss you guys so much!"

Joy said as she rolled herself on the couch. Jay and Heeseung look at each other.

"Is she okey?"

Jay asked. Heeseung just shrugged his shoulder before walks towards the couch and sit beside Joy who is laying happily on the couch right now.

"Aren't you hungry, Joy?"

Heeseung ask her. Joy looks at him and their eyes met for a second. They stare at each other for a minute before suddenly, someone clear their throats.

"Hello? I'm still here okey?!"

Jay said frustratedly making them smile sheepishly.

"Yes! Please, I'm hungry! I miss Jay's cook!"

Jay looks at her with disgusted face while Joy just smile innocently to him.

"Jay, go cook for Joy. She's hungry now."

Jay looks at Heeseung with unbelievable.

"Seriously?! Huh!"

Then, he walks away after that. Joy and Heeseung laughed after see his reaction.

"So, tell me... How's house when I was not here? Is everything okey?"

Joy ask as she leans her back on the couch. Her eyes look forwards. Just to relax her mind right now for a moment because she just got discharged from the hospital. Of course, she got a mental health little.

Heeseung looks at her. He can see her side profile and he was stunned by it. He never thought that Joy will had such a pretty side profile. No mention it. He never notice about it before because how annoying Joy at him, although they both are introvert.

But, you know? Introvert can be loud too, right?

He was staring for a long time at her side profile before he got snap after Joy called his name for many times.

"Wah! Never thought that I'm so pretty right? Till you can't focus with what we were talking about right now."

Joy said proudly. Heeseung looks away as he feels the embarrassments in him.

"Nothing much happen. But, something weird about Anne."

Heeseung said making Joy looks at him with serious face. He's gulping his own saliva. Why did she looks serious right now?


Joy ask him again.

"Well, she started to be..."

"To be?"

"You know... Like how pick me girl trying to attract boys, that's how she do right now."


Joy got stun by his words.

"Your food is ready-Why you guys look so serious, tho?"

Jay come out from the kitchen and ask after see how serious they are right now.

"It's nothing."

Joy spoke and stands up from her seat. Heeseung follows her too. Jay just watch them weirdly.

"What's wrong with those two?"


"So, you're telling us that you had dream about Anne before. That Anne is trying to kill you?"

Jay ask with unbelievable. Joy nodded as she continued eating her food. Jay's food is the best!

"No wonder, you looks so serious when I said Anne looks weird."

Heeseung spoke. Joy just shrugged her shoulder. The most important is Jay's food is the best option in her life! Never regret about it hehe!

Jay and Heeseung just shook their head. At the same time, they heard the main door open.

"we're home!"

They heard that voice. It's Anne... And it's sounds like... You know... Like soft girl voice that wants a slap from me hehehe.


Sunoo shouted after he got in and saw Joy who was eating her food. Joy just ignore it as she focus on her food right now.

After heard that name, Anne's face expression changes after that. Joy? She's already home? That's what she thinks right now.

"Noona! I miss you!"

Niki appeared out of nowhere as he hug her from the side while she was eating.

"Yah Yah, Niki! She is eating right now!"

Sunghoon is trying to pull Niki away from Joy, but he is more stronger than he thoughts. He still hugs Joy who is busy eating right now.

"Well, she didn't cares about it since she thinks about her food right now."

Everyone laughed after heard Jungwon's words, except Anne. They know well about Joy. About her?

She looks at Joy with her jealousy looks. She scoffed before leave the kitchen to their room. The boys watch it.

"why is she mad?"

Heeseung ask at the other boys curiously.

"Maybe it's because we just ignore her."

Sunoo replied. Joy stop from eat.

Actually, she is being quiet just now because there have Anne with them. After what happen in her dreams, she can't stop from thinks about it. What if, Anne really wants to kill her in real life? Hmmm... No one can stop them from thinking negatively, included Joy. But, she keeps on shook her head, to remove those thoughts in her mind.

"Are you okey, Joy? Is your head hurts?"

Sunoo ask while brush her hair softly. Don't know what happen, her heart is beating fastly right now because how he brush her hair softly. Reminds her to her mother.

She sighed before form into a smile and smile at Sunoo who is looking at her worriedly.

"Thanks for taking care of me, guys. You guys are the best!"

Joy said out of sudden. The boys look at each other.

"Well, that is our responsibility. Since your parents told us to do that, although this daughter a little bit annoying with her members, but we still take care of her because we love her."

Jake said with sincerely while put his hand on her head softly, then pat it.

After heard that, Joy got overwhelmed making her eyes formed tears.

"Joy is crying!"

Sunghoon started to tease her. They laughed happily after that.


"Wait and see Joy. You will remember your place after this. You're not deserve them. And I'm better than you."

Anne said madly while she is in her room, eavesdropping their conversation.

Her jealousy now... It's full of limits.

Anytime, she will know how to make Joy down...

Just wait and see.


You guys already wonder who is it right? You guys can comment how you guys feel about it hahahaha

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