Part 17 - Jake

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Joy was staring at Jake who is sitting alone on the couch, not far from where she is standing right now while crossing her arms. She notice that, he looks a little bit... Lack of energy? He looks like zombie right now. Didn't smile. His face looks pale. Is he okey?

While she was on her thought, at the same time, someone walk pass her. She quickly stop them. It's Niki.

"Niki... Do you think Jake hyeong will be okey?"

Joy asked him worriedly while her eyes can't let Jake's figure go. Niki looks at Jake who now is zoning out, then look at Joy back. He shrugged his shoulder. Joy give him her disgusted face. This boy... Really getting her nerves. Then, she let him go and was about to leave when...

"I think he was really sad right now. We should make him happy after concert."

Niki said making Joy look at him, then look at Jake back.

"Hmm... Yeah. We should do something. We make plan after this, hmm?"

Joy said while her hands on her waist. Niki smile and give her his pinky finger. Joy look at him confusely.

"Let's make a promise."

"For what?"

"To make Jake hyeong happy after this."

Joy smiled. She accept his pinky finger with hers.

"I'm promise."


Joy can't help but let her tears fall down after see Jake who now is sitting on the stage while crying so hardly. She turn around to make sure no one can see that she was crying. All the members are crying right now, including her, just because of Jake. Their tears are her weaknesses.

If you guys wondering what happen, it is because Jake's grandmother. She died before Jake could see her. And it's really sad when her died before his coming birthday. That was really sad. Other members are comforting him right now while Joy just standing alone behind them. She can't hug him because she knows that, there are the other members right now who comforted him.


Then, she heard her name been called. She quickly wipe her tears and turn around. She smile after see the other members are looking at her, included Jake. Jake take his hand out. Joy looking at his hand before take it slowly.

Then, Jake pull her and make her sit beside him as he pulled her into a hug. He cried on her shoulder. She looks at the others shockedly. The boys just smile and trying holding their tears at that time. She can't help, but she hug him back as her hands pat his back softly. She can't hold her tears too, so she snuggle to Jake's neck.

They can heard how loud the fans are screaming, but they don't care about it.


Joy can't help, but wipe her tears again and again after they finished their concert while sitting on the couch in the waiting room. She can't really hold the tears.

"Aigoo, noona. You looks like a fool right now."

Niki said while giving her his disgusted face. It's make Joy crying more loudly.

"Ahhhh... I don't care. I can't handle the sadness. Poor Jake hyeong..."

She said while crying more loudly. The boys look at Jake who is watching them right now. He don't know what to do. So, he walk towards her. The boys who surrounded her right now move to give him a space.


Joy look up as she heard her name been called. Then, in a blink, she is already in someone hug. She blinked her eyes shockedly.

"Thank you... Thank you for understand my feelings. Thank you so much."

Jake said in the low voice. Then, he snuggle to her neck. Joy who heard it speechless. Her tongue got clueless after heard that. Also the others.

"Just let it out. I will be here till u calm."

He said as he brushed her hair softly with his hand. After that, Joy hug him back. Her hands holding his shirt tightly as she let her out the sadness that she have inside her. She feels so bad about him, that's why she can't help but to cry for his sakeness.

Jake just smile while his hands patting her back softly. The boys just watching them.

But, some of them look at them with full of jealousy.

No one knows about it. Just themselves who know it.

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