Part 34 - Another

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Joy pov

I bite my nails right now. What should I do? I can't stop from think about it. It's still playing in my mind.

"Stop biting your nails, kiddo."

Someone snatched my hand from my mouth. I look at the person who did it, and it was Jay. I can see how mad he is right now because of what I did.

"Oops. Sorry. I promise that I won't do that again."

I said before pull my hand away from him, but looks like, he is more stronger than me that makes me can't pull it from his grips.

He takes a seat beside me before looks at me deeply into my souls. It's really killing me with that eagle eyes. What should I do now?

"Tell me. What is bothering you right now?"

He ask after being silence for a long time. I smile awkwardly as my eyes look away from his. It's really really kill me inside right now. And it's really awkward and uncomfortable for me.

"It's nothing. Nothing happen."

I said and want to pull my hand again, but again, he tighten his grips make me can't pull it. I pouted my lips.

"Please, tell me about it, Joy. I know, there is something bothering you right now."

He said again. I look down on my laps before sighed. Looks like, I can't hide it from Jay. But, I can hide it by put others name on it. Yes. Just pretend that is not me.

"Well,it is about one of my friend."


He makes me nervous right now because he just humming. I take a deep breath before exhale it slowly.

"I don't know if I should tell it to you because it is about her and I must save her secret from other people."

"Is this about a confession?"

My eyes open widely after heard that. I look at him unbelievable while he with his poker face right now. How did he knows?

Did he at there too? I'm death.

"H-how did you know?"

I ask him. He just shrugged his shoulder.

"Just guessing. Continue."

He said. I look at him blinked. Is he really serious right now? Tsk.

"Someone is confessing at her just now but she don't know if she had to accept it or not."

"Then, reject him if she uncomfortable with it. The boy will understand about it."

He said without ever thinking twicely. I look at him impressively.

"Okey then. I will tell her later about it. Thank you for the advice."

I said with a smile.

"Who did it?"

I look at him. He looks at me with serious face.


"The person who confess to you?"

He ask make me look at him unbelievable. I thought that he would never know about it.

"How did you know?"

I ask shocked. Never thought he will know about it so fastly.

"You really don't know how to lie, Joy."

After he said that, I pouted.

"Tell me. Who it is?"

"No one."

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