Part 48 - Sulking

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Joy pov

"Seriously, Niki?! You eat it without telling me?! That is the last!"

I almost scream out of my lung after know that this kiddo eating my favourite food, chocolate that was inside the refrigerator. I already put the note on it so the members will never try to eat it. But, he...

"Okey. I'm sorry, noona. I just want to eat it. That's why. Sorry for not telling you earlier before eat it."

He said unsincerely since he is now focusing on his game. What the...

I scoffed.

"How sincere apologies it is."

I said sarcastically before leave him alone in the living room. I can't hold my anger now. I should go somewhere that I can remove this anger.

"Joy? Where are you going?"

Jake who just come out from room ask me as we bump to each other. I then give a look at Niki who still focus on his game with disgusted face.

"Searching a relax place where I could chill my anger."

I said as I just walk away before Jake could say anything. I'm sorry, Jake. No in the mood of talking right now. The things that I know, I already at outside of the dorm. Where should I go now?

I was thinking about the pl- Aha! I know where it is.


Jake pov

Joy walks out from the dorm after she talks to me. Looks like she is really mad at Niki right now. I look backa t the maknae and he didn't bother about Joy's leaving. I shook my head and walk towards him.

"Niki, can I talk to you about something?"

"Can we talk later, hyeong? I am trying to win the game. Jay hyeong, shoot that man!"

I shook my head again. Jay and Niki always playing video games together.

A few minutes later...

"Yeah! We win!"

Niki jumped out from the sofa after that and posing as he win for the game. I just watch him till he notices me.

"Oh yeah. What do you want to talk about, Jake hyeong ?"

Niki ask with a smile on his face. Well, win in the game guys. Of course he is happy.

"Why did you eat Joy's chocolate without her permission? Don't you know that is the last piece of the chocolate and you know already what will her reaction after that?"

I started to talk about it. I can see how annoy he was after talking about it.

"She just overreacted, hyeong."

I am shocked after heard what he said right now.

"what's with that attitude, Niki?"

I spoke again, but with my serious tone. He looks at me before look away and sighed.

"It is just a chocolate, hyeong. Noona don't have to get mad after I eat her last piece chocolate since she already eat it a lot before."

"And she did share at me half of her chocolate, Niki."

We both turn our head and saw Sunoo and also Jungwon are walking towards us. They sit beside both of us.

"She did share her half chocolate with you, Sunoo?"

I ask Sunoo. Sunoo nodded.

"She also share it with the other members included you, hyeong. Isn't you get the chocolate too before, Niki?"

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