Part 30 - Left The Group

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Author pov

Anne woke up from her sleep with wide smile. Why? Because she's already planning about what is she going to do for today.

Whatever that will happen today, she will still stick with her own plans. After changed her clothes, she decided to walk out from the room to find the boys. Instead of seeing the boys, she meet someone who is the most she hated in this dorm. Joy Kim.

She was sitting on the couch while having me time with her food, and also her favorite channel. She noticed her as she looks at her. Although there are a cold between them, Joy still keeps with herself, forming her lips into a smile for Anne.

After she smiled, Anne looks at her with a disgusted looks. Is she that disgusting to her?

"Hi, Anne! Wanna join me watching drama?"

Joy is trying to be friendly with her, but looks like,she should put her dreams far away from her.

"Who are you for inviting me to sit with you? You are not that rich to make me sit with you."

Anne said arrogantly. After heard those words, Joy feels a sharp thing dig her inside. She just hold her feelings. She put a force smile although actually she was about to cry.

"Why are you still here? Didn't I told you to leave this group? Including this house too."

Anne said with her one eyebrow lifted. Joy looks at her unbelievable.

"Are you seriously wants to kick me out from this group, Anne?"

Joy asked. Anne smirked after heard that.

"Why not right? Looks like one of the reason still can't makes you out from this group, that's why I force you with my own."

Joy frowned after heard that.


Anne act likes she just say it out without thinking twice.

"I think I already say it out loud."

"What's reason, Anne?"

Joy asked her confusedly. Anne scoffed, then smirked.

"why should I?"

She asked her back.

"Because it's about myself. What's the reason, Anne Park?"

Joy asked her again, unpatiently. Anne sighed but smirked again.

"Looks like I had no choice instead of telling you about it."

She said. Joy is waiting for her answer.

"Well, about what happen to you before... In the practice room, in the hospital-"

"It's all from you?"

Joy cut her words. Anne smile sarcastically after that.

"Wow. Never thought you are this intelligent."

Anne claps impressed. Joy looks at her with unbelievable.

"Why did you do that? I thought we are one family. But why did you do that to me?"

Anne looks at her disgustingly.

"You are the one who think at us like that. But, me... And the boys, are not."

Anne said it with proudly. Joy clench her fist. She knows how Anne hates her all this time. But, she just hold herself for their own good. But, looks like, this girl literally cross her line.

Joy was about to say something when suddenly...

"Who said we are not thinking about this group as one family? You?"

They shocked after heard the voice. They both look at where the voice come from and it is Jay who is already standing while leaning on the wall. Also, the other boys.

"And we already have this prove to make sure kicked you out from this group."

Jungwon said while showing a phone on his hand. After saw that, Anne open her eyes widely.

"And about what you said just now to Joy, who are you to diss her like that? Are you her mother? Oh please. You are just her group members."

Sunoo said before walks towards them and sit beside Joy. Joy looks at him as he smile widely to her. He patted her head and continued said.

"and she is more to a precious person in our life."

Joy got stun after heard that.

"B-boys... L-listen me u-"

"Don't speak. I don't want to talk with you, noona. Talk to my hand, please!"

Niki said before walks towards Joy and sit at another side of the girl. He not forget to hug her.

"we should send this to pdnim."

Sunghoon said coldly to Jungwon as Jungwon nodded. He was about to send the video.

"Stop! Please, I'm begging you!"

Anne started to kneel down in front of them. The boys just look at her with blankly.

"Sorry, after what you did to our girl, Joy. It is not mean we can easily forgive other people, especially it's you."

Jake spoke after being a long time silence.

"Please! I'm so sorry. I'm begging you. I will never do it again."

"Sorry not sorry. Send it, jungwon."

Heeseung spoke too. Jungwon nodded again and click the send button. Then, the record voice is sending. Anne started crying.

"P-please, f-forgive me. I-i w-won't that anymore."

She's crying like a crazy people meanwhile Joy is watching her. She feels a little bit sorry for her. But, since the boys are with them, it's not easy for her to help Anne because they are not that easy boys who will heard the other words. That's all what I know.


Time skip

"Finally! She left the group! I feels free right now! From that annoying girl."

Sunoo said happily. Anne already left the group and also the dorm after the pdnim told her to leave the dorm. Finally, it's already becomes their.

"Yeah! Never thought she will leave from here today."

Niki said, feels happy too because of what happen just now. Joy who is watching them smiling happily too. She's grateful to have them in her life.

"How are you right now?"

She flinched after heard someone is spoking behind her. As she turns around, just to see Heeseung with his hands inside the pocket with his beautiful smile standing in front of her right now. Joy smile back.

"I'm feeling relieved right now. Thanks to you guys."

She said happily. After heard that, Heeseung smile more widely.

"It's not problem. That is anything we can do, as long you can stay in this group for a long time till the end."

Joy smile and nodded before her gazes to the maknae lines that are talking on the couch right now.

Meanwhile, Heeseung feels butterflies are flying inside his stomach.

His feelings towards Joy, it's started to grew up more than before.

" I'm falling deep for you, Joy Kim."

Finally, it's the end for that pick me gurl!

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