Part 23 - Something bad happen

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Author pov

Everyone is focusing in practice right now, including Joy who is now struggling with her dance. Don't know why, but her dance is getting weak.

"Joy, can you try to move more sharply?"

Jay ask as he trying to help her on it. She is trying her best to sharp her moves, but it's never satisfied him. He massage his temples. Jake who is standing beside him patted his back.

"We should take a rest now. You guys must be tired, right?"

Jake said while patted his friend's back. Jay nodded as he leave with Jake. Joy watch them walks away.

She sighed.

"It's okey, Joy. You can practice more after this."

Sunoo comfort her by patted her back.

"What if it's didn't satisfied him again?"

Joy ask anxiously. This is not her first time, showing her lack dance to Jay. It's already fifth time. What if he don't wants to teach her after this? It must be hard for her to catch up the choreo...

"He will. For now, you have to rest."

Instead of nodded, she shook her head.

"I will practice more. You guys should go rest for now."

Joy said while smiling. She turns Sunoo's body from her and push him a forward little.

"Are you sure?"

Sunoo ask back. He is worrying about her health. Joy just nodded and smile. Sunoo sighed.

"Okey, then. I'll be going now."

He said after say goodbye to Joy. Joy just watch him walks out from the room. She sighed. Now, she is alone inside the practice room since everyone already walk out after the practice. For now, she needs to practice more so she can satisfied Jay.

She hopes that she can do it.



Time skip

It's already 30 minutes since she started to practice alone. She didn't check a time. She is still trying hard to make her move looks sharp, like what Jay wants. But, she always fail. She lay down exhaustedly on the floor. She is panting hardly because of how exhausted it is to practice non stop.

"How I am going to show it to Jay?"

She pouted. Hold herself from broke down after feeling there are tears on her eyes right now. She feels down right now because she can't do better. Sometimes she feels like she don't deserve this group. It's what the haters said to her, whenever they do their lives with her.

While she was in her thoughts, suddenly, the lights doesn't work. The room started getting dark. Her eyes open widely.

Is it blackout?

Then, suddenly, she heard someone is walking inside the room.


"Hey, babygirl! Do you miss me?"

Her eyes open widely after heard that.

"Who is that?"


Heeseung pov

Why did I'm feeling something was not right? We were in the cafe since it's lunch. But, Joy is not coming here yet. Is she still practicing?

"Sunoo, where is Joy?"

I ask him as I feel like I want to check her.

"Still in the practice room. She wants to practice more, for Jay hyeong."

Sunoo said sarcastically as his eyes on Jay. Jay just rolled his eyes.

"Okey, then. I will meet her now. You guys wait for us here, okey?"

"Heeseung hyeong, I'm coming."

Jungwon stands up from his seat. I nodded and get up from my seat too.

"Me too, hyeong."

Niki suddenly interrupt. I just nodded. Then, we both walk out from the cafeteria together. I hope that Joy is still at there.


"I don't know why, but hyeong, I feels uneasy right now. Like there are something bad will happen after this."

Jungwon spoke while we were on our way to the practice room.

"Yeah. Me too. Feels like, something bad will happen to Joy noona."

Niki said worriedly. I patted his back, saying not to worry about her too much.

After a few minutes later, we finally arrived in front of the practice room.

But, there are unusual.

"Why the room looks dark? Is she turn off the lights?"

Jungwon ask as he was about to open the door but got stop. I looks at him weirdly.

"Why, Jungwon?"

"I feel someone is there."

"Maybe it's Joy noona."

But, Jungwon shook his head after heard Niki's statement.

"Not a girl, but a man."

He said making me quickly open the door. Just like what Jungwon said, there are a man laying on the floor, winched in pain right now. I open my eyes widely.

"Joy noona!"

I heard Niki shouted making me turn my head to where she is. She is standing while panting, and also was holding her stomach. I can't see clearly since it's dark, but I can see she was standing while panting right now.

I walk towards the maknaes were right now.

"Are you okey, Joy?"

I ask. She nodded.

"Please call police. That man... he tried to do something bad at me."

She said while panting. Our eyes open widely after heard that.

"You son of bish!"

Niki quickly running towards that man as he punch him many times. We can see how mad he is right now. We can't hold him since that man deserve it.

"Ahhh. Stop stop! I just do my order!"

He said while whining in pain because how hard he gets a punch from Niki.

"Order? Order from who?"

Jungwon ask him back. I can see how dark his eyes right now while looking at that man. I bet, that man will no longer here after this.

"Someone ordered to do something bad at that girl. But, I won't tell you guys who it is."

The man said. I gritted my teeth and was about to attack that man too when suddenly someone tugged my sleeves. I look who it is. It's Joy.

"Just call... the... polic-"

Before she could finish her words, she fainted. I quickly catch her before she falls on the ground. I looks at Jungwon who is looking at us with wide eyes.

"Jungwon, call the police and told Niki to stop before it's getting worse."

Jungwon just nodded before takes out his phone. I pick up Joy with a bridal style.

"Where are you going, hyeong?"

Jungwon ask me.

"To the clinic."

He nodded then we leave.

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