Part 28- "Just Stay Like This For A Moment. I'm So Happy."

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Author pov

Jake looks at her with frowned. He was like, 'what is wrong with this girl?'.

He sighed after she keeps whining to him. It makes everyone around them look at them. And it is embarrassing for him. This girl is really getting his nerves. He takes a deep breath before exhale it slowly. He do it for two times till he calm down a little before put his glares on Anne who still whined.

"Takes everything you wants. But, I won't pay it for you."

He said before leave her behind, ugnoring her calls that shouted like a crazy people in the convenience store. What a shame...


Time skip

"We're home."

Jake said with no mood. It is all because of Anne who keeps on whining to him.

"Jake~ buy me that makeup set, please~?"

Again and again, same words everytime, she keeps on said that to Jake who literally annoyed with it.

"Welcome home!"

Sunoo who is the one greet them first.

"You take this, Sunoo."

Jake gives him plastic bags on his hands before leave. Sunoo dumbfounded before looks at Anne that pouted right now.

"What did you do this time?"

Sunoo asked. His expression changes after that. Anne gulped her own saliva. When Sunoo's expression changed into a serious one, it's really scare for her. That is why, she can't really try to be close with him, because she knows that he already don't likes her since early.

"U-uh. Nothing!"

Then, she left. Sunoo watch her till she gone from his sight. He shook his head after that. What will he do with that girl? She's literally getting everyone nerves. Yes. Everyone nerves.

He walks towards the kitchen when he saw Joy walks in. His expression changed after that.

"Yow, Joy!"

He called her. Joy looks at him. She pointed at herself with index finger, telling him 'are you talking with me?'.
Sunoo rolled his eyes. Although she is annoying af, but she is different.

"Where are you going?"

He asked.

"Just here."

She said as she walks towards the refrigerator and took out the cola.

"Isn't that Jay hyeong's?"

Sunoo asked again. Joy nodded.

"And I'm going to steal it. HAHA!"

She was about to run away when at the same time, Jay comes.


Jay shouted at her. Joy clicked her tongue.


Joy quickly run passed him after that as he chases her. Sunoo got shocked by what happen just now, but it's not that shock because they always be like there. He laughed after see how funny the two of them were. But, at the same time, something inside him, that telling him, and can't be describe by him.

What does that mean?


Heeseung was sitting on the couch while watching tv when suddenly he feels someone is sitting beside him. It is Anne.

"Uh.. Hi Anne."

He greets her with his force smile. Don't wants to show that he doesn' t likes her because she is their group members after all.


Suddenly, the girl hugs his arm, peaving him shocked and uncomfortable.

"W-why, Anne?"

He asked. It is really uncomfortable for him.

"Can you buy me some ice cream? I wants to eat it."

She whined. Heeseung looks at her for a moment. Although feels cringy, he still wants to show to the younger that he is kind for her, as his groupd members.

"What's flavour?"

He asked as he takes out his phone and was about to check the online grab food when Anne quickly snatched his phone makes him looks at her with frowned.

"Give me my phone back!"

He said and wants to snatch his phone back when Anne keeps do her things with his phone. After a few seconds, she finished.


She said with a smile and give it back to Heeseung. Heeseung frowned. He looks at his screen. His wallpaper... It's changed! He looks at the girl unbelievable.

"Why did you changed my wallpaper to your photo?"

He asked a little mad. But, Anne just keeps on smiling.

"Isn't me pretty at there?"

She asked like there's nothing happen. Seriously, this girl is really getting his nerves. He was about to say anything when suddenly someone snatch his phone from his hand making the two of them looks at the person.

"Isn't my wallpaper is on Heeseung hyeong's phone? Why did you changed, Miss Anne?"

They shocked after see Joy is standing in front of them. And her face expression also not like usual. It's darken. Heeseung gulped his saliva.

Anne scoffed. She stands up from her seat and stands in front of her.

"So, what?"

She asked her. Joy turns to her and crossed her arms.

"Change it back."

Joy said as she gives the phone to Anne. Anne scoffed again. Meanwhile, Heeseung looks at Joy. It is his first time to see her like this. What's wrong? Why she looks so serious right now?


Anne replied her shortly. Joy glares at her sharply. Then, she exhale her breath. She gives the phone to Heeseung back. Heeseung looks at her with confusedly.

"Do you wants to change the wallpaper or not? It is your phone after all."

Heeseung understand what she means. He looks at Anne.

"Sorry, Anne. But, I would like to have Joy's pic as my wallpaper. Sorry again."

Heeseung said. Anne looks at him unbelievable.

"You guys are so ugh!"

Then, she stomps her feet, walks away from the living room, leaving Joy and Heeseung alone.

"What a childish..."

Joy said as she shook her head before her eyes land to Heeseung who is already looks at her.


She asked him.

"Are you jealous?"

Her eyes widened after he asked the sudden question.

"What a nonsense."

She was about to leave when Heeseung quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled her to sit on his laps. Joy was shocked. She wants to leave his laps but his arms around her waist right now. Can't let she go.

"Just stay like this for a moment. I'm so happy."

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