Part 31 - Caught 2.0

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Joy pov

It's already 1 week since Anne left the group and it's really peaceful for me. After a long time, finally I can takes my peaceful and calm days back.

I was sitting on the floor after we finished our practice for a moment. Yeah. Taking a break. Leaning on the wall too. I'm sweating a lot right now.

I was about to stand up, to take my drink bottle when suddenly, it's shown up in front of my face. I looks up, to see who is the kind person that helps me.

It's Heeseung. I smiled after that.

"Thanks, hyeong!"

I said as I took that bottle from his hand.

"You're welcome."

He replied before take a sit beside me. We both been silence since I needs to drink the water. I felt something is watching me right now. It's none than other, Heeseung.

"Is there anything on my face?"

I asked as I'm curious. Why is he looking at me like that?

He quickly looks away after I said that.


He said with stuttering. Why is he stuttering tho? Did he thinks that I might eat him? Or what? Strange..

"Hey. Are you okey, hyeong?"

I asked him again. He just nodded his head before stands up from his seat, makes me looks at him weirdly.

"I needs to go first. See you later."

Then, he left. I watch him till he gone from my sight. It's really weird. Why did he looks like avoiding me for a moment?

I quickly shook my head to remove my thoughts.


Heeseung pov

Why did I'm blushing right in front of her? Aish! She might think I'm weird. Right? Aishh! Lee Heeseung!

I brushed my hair frustratedly, without realised someone walks towards him.


I flinched a little as someone is calling me. I looks at the person.

"Ah. Jay. You almost makes my heart drop."

I said while patted my chest softly, because of the surprise that I got just now. Jay just gives me his poker face, like always. I looks at him weirdly.

"Why, Jay ?"

I asked.

"Did you likes Joy?"

After heard that, my eyes open widely. How did Jay knows about this? I'm death.

"W-who said that? Am I?"

I declined to tell him the truth, although I might seems like unsure right now. Because he already knows about it.

"Owh. Then, I has a changed huh?"

After heard that, I looks at him frowned. What does he mean?

"Did you-"

Jay nodded.

"I likes her."

After heard that, I open my eyes widely. How can this happen? Never thought that the two of us like the same person? What if Joy heard this? She might don't like it and leave group after this. I don't wants that happen.

I looks at Jay with serious face.

"Are you sure about it?"

I asked him. He nodded. I can see how true he is about that.

"When she's smiling, I can feels that I'm smiling too. When she's sad, I can feels that I'm sad too. When she's happy, I can feels that I'm smiling like an idiot. When Anne is trying to make her like a bad person to us, it's really makes me wanna k1ll Anne for doing that to her. Does it makes sense? "

He said. I looks at him. First time to hear that cheesy words. I bet he is really falling in love with her, just like I do. What should I do now? If I told him that I likes her too, we might be fight about this. And that will make awkward for our group.

But, I really wants him to know that I had a same feelings towards Joy. What can i do?

"Heeseung hyeong, Jay hyeong. The practice is going to start."

Suddenly, we got interrupt by Jungwon who come out from the practice room. I can see his expression changed. Did he heard our convo just now? I'm death again.

"Okey. Wait for us inside."

Jay said while smiling at him. Well, he always do that whenever see Jungwon. His lifeline right? Hahaha.

Jungwon just nodded and walks inside the room back, leaving the two of us again.

"We will talk about this, after this."

Jay said before leave me dumbfounded into the room. I takes a deep breath. What should I do now?

What if Jay confessed to Joy about his feelings? What if Joy accept him?

What if Jungwon heard our convo just now? I guess I'm death then. I exhale my breath heavily. Looks like I need to do something. To get what I wants. I don't have to be so kindness. Especially, towards my own member, Jay. I hope I have that braveness.


Time skip

Author pov

After what happen in a break time, Jay and aheeseung never talk to each other. It is because they promised to talk with each other as they got home. Don't wants to make the other members heard their convo. It's hyeong line only.

The other members got weird. Because it's first time for them to see the two hyeongs inside the group aren't talking with each other. Is there anything wrong that makes them like that? It's weird.

But, without them realised, Jungwon knows what happen between Jay and Heeseung. He actually eavesdrops their convo before he called them to walk in to the practice room. And he won't let what they might feels happen, because he also had a same feelings.

Feelings for Joy Kim, their only girl member.


Ommo. The thing is already happen now. What should we do?

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