Bonus Part !!!

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Since one of my fans, I mean, my reader wants me to write this bonus part, I won't let her down tonight hehe.


Joy pov

There are so many fans of Enhypen coming to meet their favourite members. I am just sitting beside the hall while watching the boys were interacting with their fans.


"Excuse me..."

I turn my head and saw a girl is nervously standing beside me with her friends at the back. I smile at her.

"Ah yes?"

"Are you Joy Kim, former of Enhypen?"

She ask me. It's a little sad but I keep myself smile.

"Yes I am. What can I help you?"

I ask her with politely.

"Can you give me a sign on Enhypen album please? I am your number one fan!"

She said so excitedly after that. Leaving me in shock. Although I was former of Enhypen, never thought that I still have a fan.


I nervously take the pen on her hand and also Enhypen's album comeback.

"What is your name?"

I ask her and get ready to sign my signature.

"Jieun. Choi Jieun."

Then, I sign it under her name. I look at her and give her back the album with a big smile. She was smiling widely after see my signature on it.

"Oh my gard! Thank you so much, eonnie!"

I smile at her.

"You're welcome. Btw, if you don't mind, do you want take a picture with me?"

I ask her with softly way. She looks at me with wide eyes and shock face at the same time excited face.

"Are you serious, eonnie? Of course I want!"

I smile widely after heard that. Then, I ask one of the staffs at there to help us.


Author pov

Meanwhile, the boys notice the scene and watch them from afar. They got smile on their face after seeing how happy Joy was with her fan.

Their happier is when Joy happy too.

"Joy Kim."

Sunghoon called her name with a microphone on his hand make the two girls look at his place. Sunghoon signal Joy to come up to the stage. Joy and the fan look confused.

"I'll back after this."

She said as the fan nodded and let Joy walks up to the stage. The other boys give a space for Joy to stand beside Sunghoon. Sunghoon puts his arm around Joy's shoulder makes the girl look at him confusedly. Sunghoon looks at the fans with big smile.

"I want to give some information for you guys."

Joy looks at him with wide eyes. What is he going to do?

"What are you doing, Sunghoon?"

She whispere to him. He looks at her and smile.

"Just watch it, bae."

He winks at her make she looks away blushed because of what he did just now. The fans and other boys are confuse with what are happening right now. Sunghoon looks back forward.

"Joy Kim that you guys see in front of your right now is no longer our members."

After what he said, Joy looks at him with sad eyes. Meanwhile the other boys started to try stop him.

"What are you doing, bruh?"

Jay ask with his lower voice. Is he trying to make Joy looks down in front of other fans?

Sunghoon just smiles.

"But, she is our girlfriend now. So, after this, you guys need to greet her before you come to meet us. So, she won't be jealous after that."

What's Sunghoon said makes everyone, including Joy, shock.

"I think, I wanna go to the restroom."

Joy said and was about to leave when Sunghoon tighten his arm around her shoulder.

"Don't ever to run away from what I already did, baby."

After heard that, Joy got more blushed after that. The other boys just facepalmed themselves with Sunghoon's sudden action. It's first time for them to see him like that.

Meanwhile, the girl named Jieun watch them beside the stage with a big smile.

How she envy Joy. She hopes that she would have a same place as Joy right now.

The end:)

Sorry for the bad writing. I just got lose my idea while write this. I'm sorry.

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