Part 35 - Fight

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After a long time discuss about this, they finally decide to have a meeting as a group members at the center of their house because they can't help but to let Joy's know about this.

Everyone is patiently waiting for Joy comes out from their room nervously. After a few minutes, Joy finally comes out and sits between Jungwon and Heeseung right now.

"So, what are you guys want to talk about?"

Joy ask while smiling. Although she feels a little awkward with Jake and Sunghoon, she takes that she needs to be more natural when with them. She just not needs to be awkward with them because they are her group members after all. The boys look at each other after that.

"I hope you get to accept this, Joy."

Heeseung spoke. Joy just nodded.

They all exhale their breath at the same time.

"We all like you."

Sunoo said while looks at Joy who already looks at him. She frowned after heard it.

"What do you mean?"

"He means, that we all, your group members are liking you."

Jungwon said, to make it more clear. Joy looks at him blinked. Her mind is still processing about what they said just now.

"You mean, all of the boys inside this dorm, are liking me?"

Joy asked, to make sure the truth. Everyone is nodding their head.

"Included you, Jay hyeong?"

She asked Jay who looks away. Jay slowly nodded. Joy sighed. Finally, the truth has broke. Everyone inside the dorm like her. She don't know if it is bad or no... She don't know what to say after that.

"It's okey, Joy. You don't have to think about it. Because we just confess it because we want to let you know that we like you. That's all. Don't think so hardly. And I hope, that we not being awkward after this."

Sunghoon spoke after being silence for a long time.

"I should the one who say that to you because you are the one who look awkward right now."

Joy said makes Sunghoon laugh awkwardly after that. Yes. It's true. Then, Joy looks at the others one by one. They all didn't dare to look at her.

"Why are you guys looking down?"

Joy ask.

"You didn't mad?"

Sunoo suddenly ask makes Joy looks at him.

"Why should I?"

Joy ask back as she tilted her head.

"Because we all just confess to you at the same time."

Niki interrupt. Joy looks at him blinked.

"Nah. It's okey. As long you guys already tell the truth."

Joy said before looks down on her laps, playing with her fingers. Jungwon and Heeseung who are sitting beside her notice it and sighed.

"We already said, don't have to think about it. We just confess to you because we want to let you know that we like you. You just need to pretend that we like you as a member only."

Heeseung said.

"Like me as a member?"

She asked as she looks them one by one. They all nodded.

"Okey then. Let's eat lunch now. I'm hungry right now."

Joy said while pouting. The members look shocked but they can't help but to smile because she finally accept the fact that they like her.

"Then, what do you want to eat? I cook it for you."

Jay said.

"I will cook it for you."

Sunghoon said as he quickly stands up from the floor.

"I'm the one who ask her about it."

Then, Jake stands up from his seat too. The 02' started to bicker each other while the others are watching them shook their head. Meanwhile Joy, just watch them. Without her knowing, she's already smile.

She needs to get use with this kind of situation after this.

Hope that she can use with it.


After a few months...

"Joy Kim! Where are you?!"

Sunoo shouted from the kitchen when he can't find her. Joy who is in her room just now quickly running out from her room after heard that shout.

"What do you want?!"

She shouted at him back. Sunoo who heard it laugh because he finds it funny.

"Do you want an ice cream?"

Sunoo ask as he saw Joy who already in the kitchen.

"Ice cream? I want!"

She quickly runs towards him as he scoop his favourite ice cream, choco mint.

"Choco mint?"

She asked him as she saw it. Sunoo looks at her.

"Why? You don't like it? If you don't, then I will put it ba-"

"Yah! Who said that I don't like it? Of course I like it! Just scoop it more than yours."

She said while smiling like a kid. Sunoo just shook his head while smiling brightly. He can't ever resist with her cuteness. She is too cute for him to handle.

While they were eating ice cream together, talking and laughing, someone comes into the kitchen.

"What are you guys doing?"

It's Niki.

"Eat ice cream."

Sunoo said.

"Choco mint? Eww."

Niki said while showing his disgusting expression.

"Yah! It's delicious okey? Right, Sunoo?"

Sunoo nodded after heard that from Joy.

"It's taste like toothpaste."

Jay spoke after appear out of nowhere.

"You shut up, angry bird."

Joy said.

"What did you say?"

Jay quickly takes steps on her.

"Angry bird."

Then, Jay put her neck under his arm as he messy with her hair.

"Yah! Don't do like that to my Joy!"

Jake said as he quickly walks towards them.

"Ehem. It is not like she is yours. She is ours too."

Sunghoon interrupt after that. Then, there started the fight, again. Jungwon and Heeseung just shook their head after watch the 02' bicker at each other. When this thing gonna end? Poor Joy who is between them right now.

How does it feels when they fight about you? ㅠㅠ

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